L- and H-Tile Avalon® Streaming and Single Root I/O Virtualization (SR-IOV) Intel® FPGA IP for PCI Express* User Guide

ID 683111
Date 10/27/2023

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Document Table of Contents Endpoint Received Messages

Message Type


Message Processing

Power Management PME_Turn_Off Forwarded to the Application Layer on Avalon® -ST RX interface. Also processed by the IP core.
Slot Power Limit Set_Slot_Power_Limit Forwarded to the Application Layer on Avalon® -ST RX interface.
Vendor Defined with or without Data Vendor_Type0

Forwarded to the Application Layer on Avalon® -ST RX interface. Not processed by core.

You can program the IP core to drop these Messages using the virtual_drop_vendor0_msg. When dropped, Vendor0 Messages are logged as Unsupported Requests (UR).

ATS ATS_Invalidate Forwarded to the Application Layer on Avalon® -ST RX interface. Not processed by the IP core.
Locked Transaction Unlock Message Forwarded to the Application Layer on Avalon® -ST RX interface. Not processed by the IP core.
All Others --- Internally dropped by Endpoint and handled as an Unsupported Request.