Intel® VTune™ Profiler

User Guide

ID 766319
Date 12/20/2024
Document Table of Contents


Generate a specified type of report from an analysis result.

GUI Equivalent



-report <report_name>

-R <report_name>





Type of report to create.
Display binding of a thread to a range of sockets, physical, and logical cores.
Report full stack data for each hotspot function; identify the impact of each stack on the function CPU or Wait time. You can use the group-by or filter options to sort the data by:
  • callstack

  • function

  • function-callstack

Report a call tree with the time (CPU and Wait time, if available) spent in each function and its children.
Display collected performance metrics according to the selected analysis type and identify program units that took the most CPU time (hotspots).
Display the total number of hardware events.
Display CPU sleep time, wake-up reasons and CPU frequency scaling time.
Report on the overall performance of your target.
Display metric data over time and distributed over time intervals.
Report call sequences (stacks) detected during collection phase, starting from the application root (usually, the main() function). Use this report to see the impact of program units together with their callees.
Display statistics that help identify code regions to tracing on a HW simulator.


Use the report action to generate a report from an existing result. The report type must be compatible with the analysis type used in the collection.

By default, your report is written to stdout. If you want to save it to a file, use the report-output action-option.

Both short names and long names are case-sensitive. For example, -R is the short name of the report action, and -r is the short name of the result-dir action-option.


To get the list of available report types, use the vtune -help report command.

To display help for a specific report type, use vtune -help report <report_name>, where <report_name> is the type of report that you want to create.


In this pair of examples, a collect action is used to perform a hotspots analysis for the Linux* sample target and write the result to the current working directory. The second command uses the report action to generate a hotspots report from the most recent result and write it to stdout.

vtune -collect hotspots -- /home/test/sample
vtune -R hotspots

Generate a hotspots report from a hotspots analysis and group data by module.

vtune -R hotspots -result-dir r001hs -group-by module

Open source view with the hotspots performance metrics for the foo function and use the Windows* C:\test\my_sources directory to search for source files.

vtune -R hotspots -source-object function=foo -r r001hs -source-search-dir C:\test\my_sources

Write stack information for all functions in the threading analysis result r003tr. The data is grouped by call stack.

vtune -R callstacks -r r003tr -group-by callstack