Intel® VTune™ Profiler

User Guide

ID 766319
Date 12/20/2024
Document Table of Contents

gprof-cc Report

You can use the Intel® VTune™ Profiler command line interface to display analysis results in gprof-like format. The gprof-cc report shows how much time is spent in each program unit, its callers and callees. The report is sorted by time spent in the function and its callees.


This example generates a gprof-cc report from the r001hs hotspots result.

The empty lines divide the report into entries, one for each function. The first line of the entry shows the caller of the function, the second line shows the called function, and the following lines show function callees. The Index by function name portion of the report shows the function index sorted by function name.

vtune -report gprof-cc -r r001hs
Index  % CPU Time:Total  CPU Time:Self  CPU Time:Children  Name  Index
-----  ----------------  -------------  -----------------  ---------------------------------------  -----
                         0.0            11.319               func@0x6b2dacf0                        [3]
[1]    100.0             0.0            11.319             BaseThreadInitThunk                      [1]
                         0.030          0.0                  GetSphere                              [36]
                         0.0            0.554                _tmainCRTStartup                       [23]
                         0.0            0.016                func@0x1000c1f0                        [44]
                         0.0            10.709               thread_video                           [10]
                         0.0            0.010                threadstartex                          [49]

[2]    100.0             0.0            11.319             func@0x6b2daccf                          [2]
                         0.0            11.319               func@0x6b2dacf0                        [3]

                         0.0            11.319               func@0x6b2daccf                        [2]
[3]    100.0             0.0            11.319             func@0x6b2dacf0                          [3]
                         0.0            11.319               BaseThreadInitThunk                    [1]

                         0.0            10.709               thread_trace                           [9]
[4]    94.61             0.0            10.709             [TBB parallel_for on class draw_task]    [4]
                         0.0            10.709               draw_task::operator()                  [5]

                         0.0            10.709               [TBB parallel_for on class draw_task]  [4]
[5]    94.61             0.0            10.709             draw_task::operator()                    [5]
                         0.436          0.0                  video::next_frame                      [26]
                         0.020          10.234               render_one_pixel                       [13]
                         0.018          0.0                  drawing_area::~drawing_area            [42]

Index by function name

Index  Function
-----  ------------------------------------------------
[96]   ColorAccum
[30]   ColorAddS
[15]   ColorScale
[137]  CreateCompatibleBitmap
[138]  DeleteObject
[211]  EngAcquireSemaphore
[139]  EngCopyBits
[212]  EtwEventRegister
[45]   ExAcquirePushLockExclusiveEx
[35]   ExAcquireResourceExclusiveLite