Intel® VTune™ Profiler

User Guide

ID 766319
Date 12/20/2024
Document Table of Contents

Manage Grid Views

Explore the mechanisms provided by the Intel® VTune™ Profiler to manage the data format, sort and filter data in the grid views.

These features are available in all grid views that display collected performance data:

To Do This

Do This

Sort the table by values in a particular column

Click any column header . You can only sort by one column, however, a previous sorting may be kept for rows with the same values on the current sorting.

Synchronize the selected data

Select a program unit of your interest in a grid or Timeline pane and the VTune Profiler highlights the same unit in other panes/windows.

Re-group the displayed data

Select the required granularity from the Grouping drop-down menu. The available groups depend on the analysis type.

Expand/Collapse data in the column

Click the expand/collapse buttons in the data columns to expand the column by utilization such as poor, or OK utilization, and by threads within the utilization definition.

Expand/Collapse row data

Click the expand/collapse buttons to show/hide the next level of grouping or call stack elements.