GTS AXI Streaming Intel® FPGA IP for PCI Express* User Guide

ID 813754
Date 8/07/2024

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Document Table of Contents

8.4.3. Performance Monitor Registers

The following table lists the performance registers implemented by the GTS AXI Streaming IP. The performance monitor registers starts from Base Address = 0x800.

Table 64.   Performance Register Address Map
Register Name Offset
PERFMON CTRL 0X0000_0000
TX MRD TLP 0X0000_0004
TX MWR TLP 0X0000_0008
TX MSG TLP 0X0000_000C
TX CFGWR TLP 0X0000_0010
TX CFGRD TLP 0X0000_0014
RX MRD TLP 0X0000_0018
RX MWR TLP 0X0000_001C
RX MSG TLP 0X0000_0020
RX CFGWR TLP 0X0000_0024
RX CFGRD TLP 0X0000_0028
TX MEM DATA 0X0000_002C
TX CPL DATA 0X0000_0030
RX MEM DATA 0X0000_0034
RX CPL DATA 0X0000_0038

Refer to the Excel-based GTS AXI Streaming Intel FPGA IP for PCI Express* Register Map for the detailed descriptions of the registers.