GTS AXI Streaming Intel® FPGA IP for PCI Express* User Guide

ID 813754
Date 8/07/2024

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Document Table of Contents

5.1. PCIe* Interfaces 0 Settings

The GTS AXI Streaming IP parameter has one tab, the PCIe Interfaces tab and there are sub-tabs underneath it.
Figure 33. Example PCIe* Interfaces 0 Settings Tab in the GTS AXI Streaming IP Parameter Editor
Table 26.   GTS AXI Streaming IP Parameters: PCIe* Interfaces 0 Settings Tab
Parameter Value Default Setting Description
PCIe* Interfaces 0 Settings
Hard IP Mode
  • Gen4x4 Interface 256 bit
  • Gen4x2 Interface 128 bit
  • Gen4x1 Interface 128 bit
  • Gen3x4 Interface 128 bit
  • Gen3x2 Interface 128 bit
  • Gen3x1 Interface 128 bit

Gen3 x4 Interface 128 bit

Selects the width of the data interface between the transaction layer and the application layer implemented in the PLD fabric, the lane data rate, and the lane rate.

Enable TLP-bypass mode
  • True
  • False

Enables the TLP Bypass feature.

Port Mode
When you set Enable TLP-bypass mode to false, the following values are available:
  • Root Port
  • Native Endpoint
Native Endpoint

Selects the port mode.

When you set Enable TLP-bypass mode to true, the following values are available:
  • Downstream Port
  • Upstream Port
Upstream Port
Enable Debug Toolkit
  • True
  • False

Enables the debug toolkit for the GTS AXI Streaming IP.

PLD Clock Frequency
  • 350 MHz
  • 300 MHz
  • 250 MHz
  • 200 MHz
300 MHz

Selects the PLD clock frequency.

  1. Select the optimum PLD clock frequency to achieve maximum bandwidth. Refer to the Simple Packing Data Width and Optimum PLD Clock Frequency table for more details on the PLD clock frequencies.
  2. Higher than the optimum PLD clock frequency is allowed for some of the Hard IP modes above provided that the timing requirements can be met.
Enable SRIS Mode
  • True
  • False

Enables the Separate Reference Clock with Independent Spread Spectrum Clocking (SRIS) feature.

Enable PIPE Mode Simulation
  • True
  • False

When selected, the PIPE mode simulation is enabled.

Note: This parameter is not supported for Quartus® Prime compilation.

The PIPE mode simulation is not supported for Questa* Intel® FPGA Edition.

When running simulations with this parameter enabled, the following macro is required with the FASTSIM mode enabled: "+define+SM_PIPE_MODE"

Enable CVP (Intel VSEC)
  • True
  • False
False Enables CvP for the device.
Optional Side Interfaces 0
Port 0 Optional Side Interfaces 0
Enable PCIe0 Control Shadow Interface
  • True
  • False

Enables the Control Shadow Interface. Host write to specific PCIe* configuration space register's bit is indicated through this interface.

Enable PCIe0 Completion Timeout Interface
  • True
  • False

Enables the Completion Timeout Interface. Completion Timeout event is indicated through this interface.

Enable PCIe0 Configuration Intercept Interface
  • True
  • False

Enables the Configuration Intercept Interface. You can intercept PCIe* configuration cycles using this interface.

When you set Enable PCIe0 Configuration Intercept Interface to true, the following options are available:

PCIe0 CII REQ to ACK Latency Timeout value

1256 100

Enables CII REQ to ACK Latency Timeout value (in clock cycles). The valid range is from 1 to 256.

Enable Configuration Intercept Interface Monitor
  • True
  • False
False Enables the configuration intercept interface monitor.