Agilex™ 7 F-Series and I-Series FPGA Memory Subsystem IP User Guide

ID 789389
Date 7/15/2024
Document Table of Contents

6.3.6. BCAM Lookup Operations through the AXI ST Interface

To perform an AXI ST lookup, follow these steps in the AXI-Lite interface:
  1. Send key through app_ss_st_req_tuser_key with app_ss_st_req_tvalid high. The key is accepted when the interface handshaking happens (app_ss_st_req_tvalid and ss_app_req_tready are both high).
  2. Check ss_app_st_resp_tvalid on AXI ST response interface. When ss_app_st_resp_tvalid is high, check ss_app_st_resp_tuser_found and ss_app_st_resp_tuser_key. If ss_app_st_resp_tuser_found = 1, check ss_app_st_resp_tuser_result for lookup results.

The following image shows an insert operation on BCAM of key = 0x8765432109090909.

Figure 42. Lookup Operation on BCAM through AXI ST Interface