Agilex™ 7 F-Series and I-Series FPGA Memory Subsystem IP User Guide

ID 789389
Date 7/15/2024
Document Table of Contents

5. Memory Subsystem Interfaces and Signals

The memory subsystem uses AXI-based interfaces with an optional Ready/Valid feature. It provides access to a single CSR interface and a telemetry/debug interface.

The memory subsystem uses three main interfaces, as follows:

  • AXI-Lite — CSR for configuring the memory subsystem.
  • AXI Memory Mapped (AXI-MM) — Memory subsystem.
  • AXI Streaming (AXI-ST) — Lookup core logic.

Signal Convention

Input to subsystem: app_ss_<st|mm|lite>_<signal_category>_<AXI spec name><_n if active low polarity>

Output from subsystem: ss_app_<st|mm|lite>_<signal_category>_<AXI spec name><_n if active low polarity>

Currently, the memory subsystem does not use <signal_category>. When multiple AXI-MM interfaces exist, the <signal_category> indicates a unique instance of an initiator or a responder of M:N interconnect or multi-hierarchy memory bridge.