Agilex™ 7 F-Series and I-Series FPGA Memory Subsystem IP User Guide

ID 789389
Date 7/15/2024
Document Table of Contents

7.5.8. Mbl_nxt_handle_req

Byteoffset: 0x0028

Word offset: 0x000A

Next handle request register.

Note: This register may be removed in a future release.
Bits Access Type Default Description
31 R 0


indicates whether the next handle request system is busy (1) or ready to accept the next command (0). The next handle request system can be busy for the following reasons:

- MBL management is processing a command, initiated via MBL MGMT_CTRL register, or

- ‘get next handle’ request is ongoing, initiated by writing to MBL_NXT_HANDLE_REQ register
30:4 - 0 Reserved.
3:0 R/W 0


Logical table for which the next handle is requested.

  1. This register needs to be used only in systems configured to support more than 1 logical table.
  2. Multiple requests for the next pointer will return the same value until the next Key Insert command is successfully executed.