Agilex™ 7 F-Series and I-Series FPGA Memory Subsystem IP User Guide

ID 789389
Date 7/15/2024
Document Table of Contents

7. Memory Subsystem Register Descriptions

This topic lists the available register address range for the memory subsystem IP that you can access through the AXI-Lite interface.

When you request a command and status register (CSR) access through AXI-Lite interface, the request address is decoded based on the address maps shown in this section and routed to the correct destination interface.

The AXI-Lite interface does not support unaligned access and any requests with unaligned access are translated to fully aligned access, ignoring the lower 2 address bits of the requests.

Write operations to a read-only register field have no effect. Read operations that address a Reserved register return all zeroes. Write operations to reserved registers have no effect. Accesses to registers that do not exist in your IP core variation, or to register bits that are not defined in your IP core variation, return values of all zeroes.

Table 29.  Memory Subsystem Register Map
Base Address Description
0x0000_0000 – 0x0000_00FF Memory Sub-System Global CSR
0x0000_1000 – 0x0000_1FFF DDR4 Efficiency Monitors Instance 0
0x0000_2000 – 0x0000_2FFF DDR4 Efficiency Monitors Instance 1
0x0000_3000 – 0x0000_3FFF DDR4 Efficiency Monitors Instance 2
0x0000_4000 – 0x0000_4FFF DDR4 Efficiency Monitors Instance 3
0x0000_5000 – 0x0000_5FFF DDR4 Efficiency Monitors Instance 4
0x0000_6000 – 0x0000_6FFF DDR4 Efficiency Monitors Instance 5
0x0000_7000 – 0x0000_7FFF DDR4 Efficiency Monitors Instance 6
0x0000_8000 – 0x0000_8FFF DDR4 Efficiency Monitors Instance 7
0x0000_9000 – 0x000F_FFFF Reserved
0x0010_0000 – 0x0010_FFFF DDR4 MMR Instance 0
0x0011_0000 – 0x0011_FFFF DDR4 MMR Instance 1
0x0012_0000 – 0x0012_FFFF DDR4 MMR Instance 2
0x0013_0000 – 0x0013_FFFF DDR4 MMR Instance 3
0x0014_0000 – 0x0014_FFFF DDR4 MMR Instance 4
0x0015_0000 – 0x0015_FFFF DDR4 MMR Instance 5
0x0016_0000 – 0x0016_FFFF DDR4 MMR Instance 6
0x0017_0000 – 0x0017_FFFF DDR4 MMR Instance 7
0x0020_0000 – 0x004F_FFFF Reserved
0x0800_0000 – 0x17FF_FFFF EMIF Debug Toolkit