Visible to Intel only — GUID: qyk1694142471569
5.1. Migrating Nios® II Processor to Nios® V Processor
5.2. Timer
5.3. Interrupt
5.4. Ethernet Stack
5.5. Bootloader
5.6. Data and Instruction Cache
5.7. Tightly Coupled Memory
5.8. Custom Instructions
5.9. Error Correction Code
5.10. Intel® HAL Settings
5.11. Micrium MicroC/OS-II BSP Settings
5.12. Software Packages
Visible to Intel only — GUID: qyk1694142471569
Ixiasoft Software Component
The software development flow starts with the creation of board support package (BSP) and application (APP). Altera recommends creating a software folder with app and bsp sub-folders inside your Quartus® Prime project directory. Nios® II processor software also has the same file organization.
Figure 3. Nios® V Processor Software Project File Directory
Note: Generated Nios® II processor software files are not compatible with the Nios® V processor. You need to regenerate the Nios® V processor BSP and APP project.
Nios® V Processor BSP Regeneration
- Open the BSP Editor in Nios® V Command Shell with the command niosv-bsp-editor.
- Select the design SOPCINFO file in the SOPC Information File field, then click OK.
- The window assigns BSP target directory and BSP Settings File name to default locations.
Figure 4. New BSP Window
- Apply the same Nios® II processor BSP settings into the Nios® V processor BSP setting. Refer to Intel HAL Settings to migrate the BSP Settings.
Figure 5. Nios® V Processor BSP Settings
- Select the appropriate memory region for exception vector in BSP Editor > Linker Script.
Figure 6. Linker Script
- Click Generate BSP to create a new BSP project for Nios® V processor.
Nios® V Processor APP Regeneration
- Copy the Nios® II application source codes into the APP folder.
- Start the Nios V Command Shell.
- Run niosv-app command to create an APP CMakeLists.txt file.
niosv-app -b=<BSP directory> -a=<APP directory> -s=<Nios II application source codes>
- Run CMake executable.
cmake -B <APP directory>/build -S <APP directory> -G “Unix Makefiles”
- Run Make executable. After successful Make, the Nios® V processor software ELF file is located in the <APP directory>/build folder.
make -C <APP directory>/build
- Download the software ELF file into the Nios® V processor system.
niosv-download <Nios V ELF file>
- Open JTAG UART terminal to print the Hello World message.
Alternatively, you can use Ashling* RiscFree* IDE for Intel® FPGAs for Nios® V processor software development. After the BSP creation and APP creation, you can import both folder into the workspace of Ashling* RiscFree* IDE for Intel® FPGAs to continue.