Agilex™ 7 FPGA F-Series (2 × F-Tiles) Development Kit User Guide

ID 739942
Date 12/20/2024
Document Table of Contents

5. Development Kit Hardware and Configuration

The development board supports multiple configuration modes as listed in the following table. The default configuration is Active Serial (AS) x4 (Fast) using a 2 Gb QSPI flash device.
Table 5.  Supported Configuration Modes
Configuration Mode MSEL2 SW3.2 MSEL1 SW3.2 MSEL0 (Pulled high)
JTAG 1 1 1
Avalon® streaming interface x16 1 0 1
AS x4 (Fast) (Default) 0 0 1
AS x4 (Normal) 0 1 1