Visible to Intel only — GUID: ddw1660273195119
1. Overview
2. Getting Started
3. Development Kit Setup
4. Board Test System
5. Development Kit Hardware and Configuration
6. Custom Projects for the Development Kit
7. Document Revision History for the Agilex™ 7 FPGA F-Series (2 × F-Tiles) Development Kit User Guide
A. Development Kit Components
B. Developer Resources
C. Safety and Regulatory Compliance Information
A.1. Board Overview and Components
A.2. FPGA Configuration
A.3. Default Switch and Jumper Settings
A.4. Input and Output Components
A.5. Components and Interfaces
A.6. I2C
A.7. MAX® 10 SPI Bus
A.8. Clock Circuits
A.9. HPS Daughter Card
A.10. System Power
A.11. Power Guidelines
A.12. Power Distribution System
A.13. Power Measurement
A.14. Thermal Limitations and Protection
Visible to Intel only — GUID: ddw1660273195119
6.1. Add SmartVID Settings in the Quartus® Prime QSF File
By default, the Agilex™ 7 silicon assembled on this development kit enables the SmartVID feature. To avoid the Quartus® Prime software from generating an error due to incomplete SmartVID settings, you must put constraints outlined below into the Quartus® Prime project QSF file.
Open your Quartus® Prime project QSF file, copy and paste the following constraint scripts into the file. Ensure there are no other similar settings with different values.
set_global_assignment -name PWRMGT_SLAVE_DEVICE_TYPE LTC3888 set_global_assignment -name PWRMGT_SLAVE_DEVICE0_ADDRESS 55 set_global_assignment -name PWRMGT_VOLTAGE_OUTPUT_FORMAT "LINEAR FORMAT" set_global_assignment -name PWRMGT_LINEAR_FORMAT_N "-12" set_global_assignment -name PWRMGT_PAGE_COMMAND_ENABLE ON set_global_assignment -name PWRMGT_PAGE_COMMAND_PAYLOAD 0 set_global_assignment -name USE_PWRMGT_SCL SDM_IO0 set_global_assignment -name USE_PWRMGT_SDA SDM_IO11 set_global_assignment -name USE_CONF_DONE SDM_IO16 set_global_assignment -name USE_INIT_DONE SDM_IO13 set_global_assignment -name USE_CVP_CONFDONE SDM_IO14 set_global_assignment -name USE_NCATTRIP SDM_IO12 set_global_assignment -name USE_HPS_COLD_RESET SDM_IO10