RapidIO Intel FPGA IP User Guide

ID 683884
Date 9/15/2021
Document Table of Contents Port-Write Reception

The Maintenance module receives a MAINTENANCE packet on the Rx Atlantic interface from the Transport layer. The port-write processor handles MAINTENANCE packets with a ttype value set to 4'b0100. The port-write processor extracts the following fields from the packet header and uses them to write the appropriate content to registers Rx Port Write Control through Rx Port Write Buffer :
  • wrsize
  • wdptr
  • payload

The wrsize and the wdptr determine the value of the PAYLOAD_SIZE field in the Rx Port Write Status register. The payload is written to the Rx Port Write Buffer starting at address 0x10260. A maximum of 64 bytes can be written. While the payload is written to the buffer, the PORT_WRITE_BUSY bit of the Rx Port Write Status register remains asserted. After the payload is completely written to the buffer, the interrupt signal sys_mnt_s_irq is asserted by the Concentrator on behalf of the Port Write Processor. The interrupt is asserted only if the RX_PACKET_STORED bit of the Maintenance Interrupt Enable register is set.