RapidIO Intel FPGA IP User Guide

ID 683884
Date 9/15/2021
Document Table of Contents

6.2.10. Input/Output Slave Interrupts

These interrupt bits assert the sys_mnt_s_irq signal if the corresponding interrupt bit is enabled.
Table 99.  Input/Output Slave Interrupt—Offset: 0x10500
Field Bits Access Function Default
RSRV [31:5] RO Reserved 27'h0
NWRITE_RS_COMPLETED [4] RW1C Indicates no pending NWRITE_R transactions remain in the RapidIO IP core. Set when the PENDING_NWRITE_RS field of the Input/Output Slave Pending NWRITE_R Transactions register (offset 0x10508) is set to 0. Because of the inherent delay in incrementing the PENDING_NWRITE_RS field after the start of the corresponding write transaction on the Avalon® -MM interface, you should wait at least 8 Avalon® clock cycles after the start of the NWRITE_R transaction whose completion you wish to trigger an interrupt, before you clear this bit and enable this interrupt. 1'b0
INVALID_WRITE_BYTEENABLE [3] RW1C Write byte enable invalid. Asserted when io_s_wr_byteenable is set to invalid values. 1'b0
INVALID_WRITE_BURSTCOUNT [2] RW1C Write burst count invalid. Asserted when io_s_wr_burstcount is set to an odd number larger than one in variations with 32-bit wide datapath Avalon® -MM write interfaces. 1'b0
WRITE_OUT_OF_BOUNDS [1] RW1C Write request address out of bounds. Asserted when the Avalon® -MM address does not fall within any enabled address mapping windows. 1'b0
READ_OUT_OF_BOUNDS [0] RW1C Read request address out of bounds.

Asserted when the Avalon® -MM address does not fall within any enabled address mapping windows.

Table 100.  Input/Output Slave Interrupt Enable—Offset: 0x10504
Field Bits Access Function Default
RSRV [31:5] RO Reserved 27'h0
NWRITE_RS_COMPLETED [4] RW NWRITE_Rs-completed field enable. 1'b0
INVALID_WRITE_BYTEENABLE [3] RW Write byte enable invalid interrupt enable 1'b0
INVALID_WRITE_BURSTCOUNT [2] RW Write burst count invalid interrupt enable 1'b0
WRITE_OUT_OF_BOUNDS [1] RW Write request address out of bounds interrupt enable 1'b0
READ_OUT_OF_BOUNDS [0] RW Read request address out of bounds interrupt enable 1'b0
Table 101.  Input/Output Slave Pending NWRITE_R Transactions—Offset: 0x10508
Field Bits Access Function Default
RSRV [31:5] RO Reserved 27'h0
PENDING_NWRITE_RS [4:0] RO Number of pending NWRITE_R write requests that have been initiated in the I/O Avalon® -MM slave Logical layer module but have not yet completed. The value in this field might update only after a delay of 8 Avalon® clock cycles after the start of the write burst on the Avalon® -MM interface. 5'b0
Table 102.  Input/Output Slave Avalon® -MM Write Transactions—Offset: 0x1050C
Field Bits Access Function Default
RSRV [31:16] RO Reserved 16'h0
STARTED_WRITES [15:0] RO Number of write transfers initiated on Avalon® -MM Input/Output Slave port so far. Count increments on first system clock cycle in which the io_s_wr_write and io_s_wr_chipselect signals are asserted and the io_s_wr_waitrequest signal is not asserted. This counter rolls over to 0 after its maximum value. 16'b0
Table 103.  Input/Output Slave RapidIO Write Requests—Offset: 0x10510
Field Bits Access Function Default
RSRV [31:16] RO Reserved 16'h0
COMPLETED_OR_CANCELLED_WRITES [15:0] RO Number of write-request packets transferred from the Avalon® -MM Input/Output Slave module to the Transport layer or canceled. Count increments when the write-request packet is sent to the Transport layer, or when a write transaction is canceled. This counter rolls over to 0 after its maximum value. 16'b0