F-Tile Dynamic Reconfiguration Design Example User Guide

ID 710582
Date 11/04/2024
Document Table of Contents

5.1.2. PMA/FEC Direct PHY Multirate Hardware Design Example

Figure 34. PMA/FEC Direct PHY Multirate Hardware Design Example Block Diagram: 50G-1 Base Variant
Figure 35. PMA/FEC Direct PHY Multirate Hardware Design Example Block Diagram: 400G-8 Base Variant

In the hardware design example, the ISSP modules control the DUT IP reset signals, dr_mode selection and shows the status signals. The hardware test scripts open service to the ISSP to read and drive the values. A JTAG host is instantiated to access the Avalon® memory-mapped interface.

The hardware design example executes the dynamic reconfiguration transition process based on user selection as stated in src/parameter.tcl file and checks the DUT IP status. There is a default dynamic reconfiguration transition sequence, but user can always modify the DR_TRANSITION array variable in src/parameter.tcl file.

DR_TRANSITION: Intended DR sequence array, size of this array variable determines the number of dynamic reconfiguration to be performed.

  • For example, if you want to achieve the following dynamic reconfiguration sequence for 50G-1 Base Variant: 1x50G > 1x25G > 1x50G KPFEC > 1x24.33024G > 1x50G, the variables changes are:
    set DR_TRANSITION(0) "1x25G"
    set DR_TRANSITION(1) "1x50G KPFEC"
    set DR_TRANSITION(2) "1x24.33024G"
    set DR_TRANSITION(3) "1x50G
  • If you want to achieve the following dynamic reconfiguration sequence for 400G-8 Base Variant: 1x400G-8 > 2x100G-4 > 2x200G-4 > 1x400G-8G, the variables changes are:
    The variables changes are:
    set DR_TRANSITION(0) "2x100G_4"
    set DR_TRANSITION(1) "2x200G_4"
    set DR_TRANSITION(2) "1x400G_8"

Hardware Flow for Design Example:

The hardware test design <design_example_dir>/hardware_test_design/ directory contains a hwtest subdirectory that contains .tcl script for dynamic reconfiguration hardware testing. Follow the steps shown below to test the design example in hardware.
Figure 36. Hardware Flow for PMA/FEC Direct PHY Multirate Hardware Design Example

The PMA/FEC Direct Multirate PHY Design Example runs the external loopback test by default with the loopback_mode parameter set to 0. Before performing any hardware test, attach the QSFP-DD loopback module according to the QSF pinout assignments of the respective design example.

To perform an internal loopback test in hardware, modify the loopback_mode parameter to 1 in the parameter.tcl file located in <design_example_dir>/hardware_test_design/hwtest/src. After you compile the F-Tile dynamic reconfiguration design example and configure it on your Agilex™ 7 device, you can use the System Console to program the IP core and its PHY IP core registers.

About this task:

To start the System Console and test the hardware design example, follow these steps:

  1. After the hardware design example is configured on the Agilex™ 7 device, in the Intel Quartus Prime Pro Edition software, click Tools > System Debugging Tools > System Console.
  2. In the Tcl Console pane, type cd hwtest to change directory to <design_example_dir>/hardware_test_design/hwtest.
  3. Type source main_script.tcl to open a connection to the JTAG master and start the test.
  4. Analyze the results. Successful run displays Test Passed in the System Console.
Note: If internal serial loopback (ILB) is enabled for the current profile, you need to disable it using the FGT attribute access method before performing dynamic reconfiguration to the next target profile. If you do not follow this, you might observe that the Quartus Hard IP performs abnormally after dynamic reconfiguration.

The sample output for the PMA/FEC Direct PHY Multirate hardware design examples is shown below.

Sample output for PMA/FEC Direct PHY Multirate hardware design example of 50G-1 Base Variant:
% cd hwtest

$source main_script.tcl
Info: Number of Channels = 1
Info: JTAG Port ID       = 2
Info: Power Up Variant   = 1x50G
INFO: Start of ftile_dphy_dr_test_dynamic

INFO: Basic DPHY DR test

	INFO: Set Reconfig Reset
	INFO: write_value is 0x1
	INFO: Release Reconfig Reset
	INFO: write_value is 0x0
	INFO: Set DR mode...
	INFO: DR mode is 0x0



	INFO: Channel 0: Set TX Reset
	INFO: write_value is 0x4
	INFO: Channel 0: Set RX Reset
	INFO: write_value is 0x6
	INFO: get_reset_ack_status  -----
	INFO: Channel 0 : Checking tx reset ack status...
		INFO: tx_reset_ack_status_0 = 0x3
	INFO: TX fully in reset state 
	INFO: Channel 0 : Checking rx reset ack status...
		INFO: rx_reset_ack_status_0 = 0x3
	INFO: RX fully in reset state 
	INFO: Start DR selection-----
		INFO: DR transition is 1x50G -----
	INFO: Channel: 0 Configuring ED to PMA_DIR 1x50G ....
	INFO: Wait for DR Ready....
	INFO: configuring DR Profile 1x50G....
	INFO: Trigger DR interrupt
	INFO: Wait for DR interrupt Ack....
	INFO: DR Request acknowledged
	INFO: Wait for DR Config to be done....
	INFO: DONE Reconfigure to 1x50G.
	INFO: Set DR mode...
	INFO: DR mode is 0x0
	INFO: Channel 0: Release TX Reset
	INFO: write_value is 0x2
	INFO: Channel 0: Release RX Reset
	INFO: write_value is 0x0
	INFO: Channel 0 : Run test...
	INFO: Read out probe data: 0x7dc
	INFO: Data locked with no error


Info: End of ftile_dphy_dr_test 

Info: Test <ftile_dphy_dr_test> Passed
Sample output for PMA/FEC Direct PHY Multirate hardware design example of 400G-8 Base Variant:
% cd hwtest

$source main_script.tcl
Info: Number of Channels = 1
Info: JTAG Port ID       = 2
Info: Power Up Variant   = 1x400G_8
INFO: Start of ftile_dphy_dr_test

INFO: Basic DPHY DR test

	INFO: Set Reconfig Reset
	INFO: write_value is 0x1
	INFO: Release Reconfig Reset
	INFO: write_value is 0x0
	INFO: Set DR mode...
	INFO: DR mode is 0x0
	INFO: Channel 0: Set TX Reset
	INFO: write_value is 0x4
	INFO: Channel 0: Set RX Reset
	INFO: write_value is 0x6
	INFO: check_reset_ack_n_status for current_dr_profile : 400G -----
	INFO: Channel 0 : Checking tx reset ack status...
	INFO: tx_reset_ack_status_0 = 0x5
	INFO: TX fully in reset state 
	INFO: Channel 0 : Checking rx reset ack status...
	INFO: rx_reset_ack_status_0 = 0x5
	INFO: RX fully in reset state

INFO: Internal Serial Loopback not enabled 

	INFO: Channel 0: Release TX Reset
	INFO: write_value is 0x2
	INFO: Channel 0: Release RX Reset
	INFO: write_value is 0x0
	Run default test. Release resets. Running test for 10s
	INFO: Channel 0 : Run test...
	INFO: Read out probe data: 0x6b70
	INFO: Channel 0: Set TX Reset
	INFO: write_value is 0x4
	INFO: Channel 0: Set RX Reset
	INFO: write_value is 0x6
	INFO: check_reset_ack_n_status for current_dr_profile : 400G -----
	INFO: Channel 0 : Checking tx reset ack 0 status...
		INFO: tx_reset_ack_status_0 = 0x5
	INFO: TX fully in reset state 
	INFO: Channel 0 : Checking rx reset ack status...
		INFO: rx_reset_ack_status_0 = 0x5
	INFO: RX fully in reset state 
	INFO: Start DR selection-----
		INFO: DR transition is 2x200G_4 -----
	INFO: Channel: 0 Configuring ED to PMA_DIR 2x200G_4 ....
	INFO: Wait for DR Ready....
	INFO: configuring DR Profile 2x200G_4....
	INFO: Trigger DR interrupt
	INFO: Wait for DR interrupt Ack....
	INFO: DR Request acknowledged
	INFO: Wait for DR Config to be done....
	INFO: DONE Reconfigure to 2x200G_4.
	INFO: Set DR mode...
	INFO: DR mode is 0x1
	INFO: Channel 0: Release TX Reset
	INFO: write_value is 0x2
	INFO: Channel 0: Release RX Reset
	INFO: write_value is 0x0
	INFO: Channel 0 : Run test...
	INFO: Read out probe data: 0x7f70
	INFO: Data locked with no error
	INFO: Test Pass!


	INFO: Channel 0: Set TX Reset
	INFO: write_value is 0x4
	INFO: Channel 0: Set RX Reset
	INFO: write_value is 0x6
	INFO: check_reset_ack_n_status for current_dr_profile : 200G -----
	INFO: Channel 0 : Checking tx reset ack 0 status...
		INFO: tx_reset_ack_status_0 = 0xf
	INFO: TX fully in reset state 
	INFO: Channel 0 : Checking tx reset ack 1 status...
		INFO: tx_reset_ack_status_1 = 0xf
	INFO: TX fully in reset state 
	INFO: Channel 0 : Checking rx reset ack status...
		INFO: rx_reset_ack_status_0 = 0xf
	INFO: RX fully in reset state 
	INFO: Channel 0 : Checking rx reset ack status...
		INFO: rx_reset_ack_status_1 = 0xf
	INFO: RX fully in reset state 
	INFO: Start DR selection-----
		INFO: DR transition is 2x100G_4 -----
	INFO: Channel: 0 Configuring ED to PMA_DIR 2x100G_4 ....
	INFO: Wait for DR Ready....
	INFO: configuring DR Profile 2x100G_4....
	INFO: Trigger DR interrupt
	INFO: Wait for DR interrupt Ack....
	INFO: DR Request acknowledged
	INFO: Wait for DR Config to be done....
	INFO: DONE Reconfigure to 2x100G_4.
	INFO: Set DR mode...
	INFO: DR mode is 0x2
	INFO: Channel 0: Release TX Reset
	INFO: write_value is 0x2
	INFO: Channel 0: Release RX Reset
	INFO: write_value is 0x0
	INFO: Channel 0 : Run test...
	INFO: Read out probe data: 0x7f70
	INFO: Data locked with no error
	INFO: Test Pass!


	INFO: Channel 0: Set TX Reset
	INFO: write_value is 0x4
	INFO: Channel 0: Set RX Reset
	INFO: write_value is 0x6
	INFO: check_reset_ack_n_status for current_dr_profile : 100G -----
	INFO: Channel 0 : Checking tx reset ack 0 status...
		INFO: tx_reset_ack_status_0 = 0xf
	INFO: TX fully in reset state 
	INFO: Channel 0 : Checking tx reset ack 1 status...
		INFO: tx_reset_ack_status_1 = 0xf
	INFO: TX fully in reset state 
	INFO: Channel 0 : Checking rx reset ack status...
		INFO: rx_reset_ack_status_0 = 0xf
	INFO: RX fully in reset state 
	INFO: Channel 0 : Checking rx reset ack status...
		INFO: rx_reset_ack_status_1 = 0xf
	INFO: RX fully in reset state 
	INFO: Start DR selection-----
		INFO: DR transition is 1x400G_8 -----
	INFO: Channel: 0 Configuring ED to PMA_DIR 1x400G_8 ....
	INFO: Wait for DR Ready....
	INFO: configuring DR Profile 1x400G_8....
	INFO: Trigger DR interrupt
	INFO: Wait for DR interrupt Ack....
	INFO: DR Request acknowledged
	INFO: Wait for DR Config to be done....
	INFO: DONE Reconfigure to 1x400G_8.
	INFO: Set DR mode...
	INFO: DR mode is 0x0
	INFO: Channel 0: Release TX Reset
	INFO: write_value is 0x2
	INFO: Channel 0: Release RX Reset
	INFO: write_value is 0x0
	INFO: Channel 0 : Run test...
	INFO: Read out probe data: 0x6b70
	INFO: Data locked with no error
	INFO: Test Pass!


Info: End of ftile_dphy_dr_test 

Info: Test <ftile_dphy_dr_test> Passed