Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Debug Tools

ID 683819
Date 10/02/2023

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Document Table of Contents Writing Data

To modify the source data you want to write into the ALTSOURCE_PROBE instance, click the name field of the signal you want to change. For buses of signals, you can double-click the data field and type the value you want to drive out to the ALTSOURCE_PROBE instance. The In-System Sources and Probes Editor stores the modified source data values in a temporary buffer.

Modified values that are not written out to the ALTSOURCE_PROBE instances appear in red. To update the ALTSOURCE_PROBE instance, highlight the instance in the Instance Manager pane and click Write source data. The Write source data function is also available via the shortcut menus in the Instance Manager pane.

The In-System Sources and Probes Editor provides the option to continuously update each ALTSOURCE_PROBE instance. Continuous updating allows any modifications you make to the source data buffer to also write immediately to the ALTSOURCE_PROBE instances. To continuously update the ALTSOURCE_PROBE instances, change the Write source data field from Manually to Continuously.