Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Debug Tools

ID 683819
Date 10/02/2023

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4.1.7. Step 7: Check Connection Table in Fitter Report

When you compile a design with Signal Probe pins, Compiler generates a connection report showing the connection status to Signal Probe pins.

To view this report, click Processing > Compilation Report, open the Fitter > In-System Debugging folder, and click Connections to Signal Probe pins.

The Status column indicates whether or not the routing attempt from the nodes to the Signal Probe pins is successful.

Table 30.  Status of Signal Probe Connection
Status Description
Connected Routing succeeded.
Unconnected Routing did not succeed. Possible reasons are:
  • Node belongs to an I/O cell or another hard IP, thus cannot be routed.
  • Node hierarchy path does not exist in the design.
  • Node is not Signal Tap: post-fitting.

Connections to Signal Probe Pins in the Compilation Report

Alternatively, you can find the Signal Probe connection information in the Fitter report file (<project_name>.fit.rpt).

Connections to Signal Probe Pins in

; Connections to Signal Probe pins                                               ;
Signal Probe Pin Name : probey
Status                : Connected
Attempted Connection  : sprobe_me2
Actual Connection     : sprobe_me2
Details               :

Signal Probe Pin Name : wizard
Status                : Connected
Attempted Connection  : sprobe_me1
Actual Connection     : sprobe_me1
Details               :