Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Debug Tools

ID 683819
Date 10/02/2023

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Document Table of Contents Buffer Control Actions

Actions that control the acquisition buffer.

Table 19.  Buffer Control Actions
Action Description Syntax
trigger Stops the acquisition for the current buffer and ends analysis. This command is required in every flow definition.
trigger <post-fill_count>;

Available only in segmented acquisition mode.

Ends acquisition of the current segment. After evaluating this command, the Signal Tap logic analyzer starts acquiring from the next segment. If all segments are written, the logic analyzer overwrites the oldest segment with the latest sample. When a trigger action is evaluated the acquisition stops.
segment_trigger <post-fill_count>;
start_store Active only in state-based storage qualifier mode. Asserts the write_enable to the Signal Tap acquisition buffer.

Active only in state-based storage qualifier mode.

De-asserts the write_enable signal to the Signal Tap acquisition buffer.

Both trigger and segment_trigger actions accept an optional post-fill_count argument.