Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Debug Tools

ID 683819
Date 10/02/2023

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8.4. Launching a Toolkit in System Console

System Console provides the hardware debugging infrastructure to run the Available System Debugging Toolkits. When you load a design in the Toolkit Explorer that includes debug-enabled Intel® FPGA IP, the Toolkit Explorer automatically lists the toolkits that are available for the IP in the design.

To launch a toolkit in System Console, follow these steps:

  1. Create an Intel® Quartus® Prime project that includes debug-enabled Intel® FPGA IP. Refer to IP Cores that Interact with System Console.
  2. On the Compilation Dashboard, double-click Assembler to generate a .sof programming file for the design. Any prerequisite Compiler stages run automatically before the Assembler starts.
  3. Launch System Console, as Starting System Console describes.
  4. In the Toolkit Explorer, click Load Design, and then select the .sof file that you create in step 2. When you load the design, Toolkit Explorer displays the debug-enabled IP instances.
  5. Select a debug-enabled IP instance. The Details pane displays the channels that can launch toolkits.
  6. To launch a toolkit, select the toolkit under Details. For toolkits with channels, you can also multi-select one or more channels from the Details pane. Then, click Open Toolkit. The toolkit opens in the Main View, and the Collections pane displays a collection of any channels that you select.
  7. To save a collection for future use, right-click the collection, and then click Export Collection. To load a collection, right-click in the Collections pane, and then click Import Collection. By default, System Console creates a collection when you launch a toolkit.
Figure 123. Launching a Toolkit in System Console