Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Debug Tools

ID 683819
Date 10/02/2023

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Document Table of Contents Adding Nios® II Processor Signals with a Plug-In

You can use a plug-in to automatically add relevant signals for the Nios® II processor for monitoring, rather than adding the signals manually with the Node Finder. The plug-in provides preset mnemonic tables for trigger creation and viewing, as well as the ability to disassemble code in captured data.
Note: This feature does not yet support the Nios® V embedded processor.

The Nios® II plug-in creates one mnemonic table in the Setup tab and two tables in the Data tab:

  • Nios® II Instruction (Setup tab)—capture all the required signals for triggering on a selected instruction address.
  • Nios® II Instance Address (Data tab)—display address of executed instructions in hexadecimal format or as a programming symbol name if defined in an optional Executable and Linking Format (.elf) file.
  • Nios® II Disassembly (Data tab)—display disassembled code from the corresponding address.

To add Nios® II IP signals to the logic analyzer using a plug-in, perform the following steps after running Analysis and Elaboration on your design:

  1. In the Signal Tap logic analyzer, right-click the node list, and then click Add Nodes with Plug-In > Nios® II .
  2. Select the IP that contains the signals you want to monitor with the plug-in, and click OK.
    • If all the signals in the plug-in are available, a dialog box might appear, depending on the plug-in, where you can specify options for the plug-in.
  3. With the Nios® II plug-in, you can optionally select an .elf containing program symbols from your Nios® II Integrated Development Environment (IDE) software design. Specify options for the selected plug-in, and click OK.