Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Debug Tools

ID 683819
Date 10/02/2023

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2.1.3. Debugging Ecosystem

The Intel® Quartus® Prime software allows you to use the debugging tools in tandem to exercise and analyze the logic under test and maximize closure.

A very important distinction in the system debugging tools is how they interact with the design. All debugging tools in the Intel® Quartus® Prime software allow you to read the information from the design node, but only a subset allow you to input data at runtime:

Table 3.  Classification of System Debugging Tools
Debugging Tool Read Data from Design Input Values into the Design Comments
Signal Tap logic analyzer, Yes No General purpose troubleshooting tools optimized for probing signals in a register transfer level (RTL) netlist
Logic Analyzer Interface
Signal Probe
In-System Sources and Probes Yes Yes These tools allow to:
  • Read data from breakpoints that you define
  • Input values into your design during runtime
Virtual JTAG Interface
System Console
Debugging Toolkits
In-System Memory Content Editor

Taken together, the set of on-chip debugging tools form a debugging ecosystem. The set of tools can generate a stimulus to and solicit a response from the logic under test, providing a complete solution.

Figure 1. Debugging Ecosystem at Runtime