Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Debug Tools

ID 683819
Date 10/02/2023

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Document Table of Contents Adding Mnemonics with a Plug-In

When you use a plug-in to add signals to an .stp, mnemonic tables for the added signals are automatically created and assigned to the signals defined in the plug-in. To enable these mnemonic tables manually, right-click the name of the signal or signal group. On the Bus Display Format shortcut menu, click the name of the mnemonic table that matches the plug-in.

As an example, the Nios® II plug-in helps you to monitor signal activity for your design as the code is executed. If you set up the logic analyzer to trigger on a function name in your Nios® II code based on data from an .elf, you can see the function name in the Instruction Address signal group at the trigger sample, along with the corresponding disassembled code in the Disassembly signal group, as shown in Figure 13–52. Captured data samples around the trigger are referenced as offset addresses from the trigger function name.

Figure 86. Data Tab when the Nios® II Plug-In is Used