Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Debug Tools

ID 683819
Date 10/02/2023

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Document Table of Contents Comparison Trigger Conditions

The Comparison trigger allows you to compare multiple grouped bits of a bus to an expected integer value by specifying simple comparison conditions on the bus node. The Comparison trigger preserves all the trigger conditions that the Basic OR trigger includes. You can use the Comparison trigger in combination with other triggers. You can also switch between Basic OR trigger and Comparison trigger at run-time, without the need for recompilation.
Signal Tap logic analyzer supports the following types of Comparison trigger conditions:
  • Single-value comparison—compares a bus node’s value to a numeric value that you specify. Use one of these operands for comparison: >, >=, ==, <=, <. Returns 1 when the bus node matches the specified numeric value.
  • Interval check—verifies whether a bus node’s value confines to an interval that you define. Returns 1 when the bus node's value lies within the specified bounded interval.
Follow these rules when using the Comparison trigger condition:
  • Apply the Comparison trigger only to bus nodes consisting of leaf nodes.
  • Do not form sub-groups within a bus node.
  • Do not enable or disable individual trigger nodes within a bus node.
  • Do not specify comparison values (in case of single-value comparison) or boundary values (in case of interval check) exceeding the selected node’s bus-width.