Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Debug Tools

ID 683819
Date 10/02/2023

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2.3. Stimulus-Capable Tools

The In-System Memory Content Editor, In-System Sources and Probes, and Virtual JTAG interface enable you to use the JTAG interface as a general-purpose communication port.
Though you can use all three tools to achieve the same results, there are some considerations that make one tool easier to use in certain applications:
  • The In-System Sources and Probes is ideal for toggling control signals.
  • The In-System Memory Content Editor is useful for inputting large sets of test data.
  • Finally, the Virtual JTAG interface is well suited for advanced users who want to develop custom JTAG solutions.

System Console provides system-level debugging at a transaction level, such as with Avalon® -MM slave or Avalon® -ST interfaces. You can communicate to a chip through JTAG and TCP/IP protocols. System Console uses a Tcl interpreter to communicate with hardware modules that you instantiate into your design.