Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Debug Tools

ID 683819
Date 10/02/2023

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Document Table of Contents Basic Trigger Conditions

If you select the Basic AND or Basic OR trigger type, you must specify the trigger pattern for each signal that you add.

To specify the trigger pattern, right-click the Trigger Conditions column and click Don’t Care, Low, High, Falling Edge , Rising Edge, or Either Edge.

For buses, type a pattern in binary, or right-click and select Insert Value to enter the pattern in other number formats. Note that you can enter X to specify a set of “don’t care” values in either your hexadecimal or your binary string. For signals in the .stp file that have an associated mnemonic table, you can right-click and select an entry from the table to specify pre-defined conditions for the trigger.

When you add signals through plug-ins, you can create basic triggers using predefined mnemonic table entries. For example, with the Nios® II plug-in, if you specify an .elf file from your Nios® II IDE design, you can type the name of a function from your Nios® II code. The logic analyzer triggers when the Nios® II instruction address matches the address of the code function name that you specify.

Data capture stops and the logic analyzer stores the data in the buffer when the logical AND of all the signals for a given trigger condition evaluates to TRUE.