Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Debug Tools

ID 683819
Date 10/02/2023

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8.10. Using System Console Commands

You can use System Console commands to control hardware debug and testing with the command-line or scripting. Use System Console commands to identify a System Console service by its path, to open and close a connection, add a service, and a variety of other System Console controls.

Note: For a complete reference of currently supported System Console and toolkit commands, refer to the System Console and Toolkit Tcl Command Reference Manual.
The following steps show initiation of a simple service connection:
  1. Identify a service by specifying its path with the get_service_paths command.
  2. Open a connection to the service with the claim_service command.
  3. Use Tcl and System Console commands to test the connected device.
  4. Close a connection to the service with the close_service command