Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Debug Tools

ID 683819
Date 10/02/2023

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3.7.3. Signal Tap Status Messages

The following table describes the text messages that might appear in the Signal Tap Status Indicator in the Instance Manager pane before, during, or after data acquisition. These messages allow you to monitor the state of the logic analyzer and identify the operation that the logic analyzer is performing.

Table 22.  Messages in the Signal Tap Status Indicator
Message Message Description
Not running The Signal Tap logic analyzer is not running.

This message appears when there is no connection to a device, or the device is not configured.

(Power-Up Trigger) Waiting for clock (1) The Signal Tap logic analyzer is performing a Runtime or Power-Up Trigger acquisition and is waiting for the clock signal to transition.
Acquiring (Power-Up) pre-trigger data (1) The trigger condition is not yet evaluated.

If the acquisition mode is non-segmented buffer, and the storage qualifier type is continuous, the Signal Tap logic analyzer collects a full buffer of data.

Trigger In conditions met Trigger In conditions are met. The Signal Tap logic analyzer is waiting for the first trigger condition to occur.

This message only appears when a Trigger In condition exists.

Waiting for (Power-up) trigger (1) The Signal Tap logic analyzer is waiting for the trigger event to occur.
Trigger level <x> met Trigger condition x occurred. The Signal Tap logic analyzer is waiting for condition x + 1 to occur.
Acquiring (power-up) post-trigger data (1) The entire trigger event occurred. The Signal Tap logic analyzer is acquiring the post-trigger data.

You define the amount of post-trigger data to collect (between 12%, 50%, and 88%) when you select the non-segmented buffer acquisition mode.

Offload acquired (Power-Up) data (1) The JTAG chain is transmitting data to the Intel® Quartus® Prime software.
Ready to acquire The Signal Tap logic analyzer is waiting for you to initialize the analyzer.
  1. This message can appear for both Runtime and Power-Up Trigger events. When referring to a Power-Up Trigger, the text in parentheses appears.
Note: In segmented acquisition mode, pre-trigger and post-trigger do not apply.