Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Debug Tools

ID 683819
Date 10/02/2023

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6.7. Editing Memory Contents with the Hex Editor Pane

You can edit the contents of instances by typing values directly into the Hex Editor pane.

Black content on the Hex Editor pane means that the value read is the same as last synchronization.

  1. Type content on the pane.
    The Hex Editor displays in blue changed content that has not been synchronized to the device.
  2. Click to synchronize the content to the device.
Note: For Intel® Stratix® 10 and Intel Agilex® 7 devices only, ISMCE logic can perform read and write operations only when the design logic is idle. If the design logic attempts a write or an address change operation, the design logic prevails, and the ISMCE operation times out. An error message lets you know that the memory connected to the In-System Memory Content Editor instance is in use, and reports the number of successful writes before the design logic requested access to the memory.
Figure 104. Hex Editor After Manually Editing Content