Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Debug Tools

ID 683819
Date 10/02/2023

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Document Table of Contents Segmented Buffer

In a segmented buffer, the acquisition memory is split into segments of even size, and you define a set of trigger conditions for all segments. Each segment acts as a non-segmented buffer. A segmented buffer allows you to debug systems that contain relatively infrequent recurring events.

If you want to have separate trigger conditions for each of the buffer segments, you must use the state-based trigger flow. The figure shows an example of a segmented buffer system.

Figure 33. System that Generates Recurring EventsIn the following example, to ensure that the correct data is written to the SRAM controller, monitor the RDATA port whenever the address H'0F0F0F0F is sent into the RADDR port.

The buffer acquisition feature allows you to monitor multiple read transactions from the SRAM device without running the Signal Tap logic analyzer again. You can split the memory to capture the same event multiple times, without wasting allocated memory. The buffer captures as many cycles as the number of segments you define under the Data settings in the Signal Configuration pane.

To enable and configure buffer acquisition, select Segmented in the Signal Tap logic analyzer Editor and choose the number of segments to use. In the example in the figure, selecting 64-sample segments allows you to capture 64 read cycles.