Questa* Intel® FPGA Edition Simulation User Guide

ID 730191
Date 4/01/2024
Document Table of Contents

3.8.2. Files Required for Gate-Level Simulation

Gate-level simulation of Quartus® Prime designs generally requires the following minimum files:

  • The post-synthesis or post-fit Verilog HDL (.vo) or VHDL (.vho) netlist file for the design. You generate these files in the Quartus® Prime software. You generate these files as Step 1: Generate Gate-Level Netlists for Simulation describes.
  • Testbench related files, including the top-level testbench file that instantiates the Quartus® Prime design, as Intel FPGA Simulation Essential Elements describes.
  • The Quartus® Prime simulation library files. See the following important note.
Note: Do not compile the simulation library files for Questa* Intel® FPGA Edition. Rather, you must use the precompiled libraries that the Questa* Intel® FPGA Edition installation provides, by specifying their logical library names to the vsim command, as Finding Logical Library Names in Simulation Library Compiler Output describes. To understand why you must use precompiled libraries, refer to Why You Should Only Use Precompiled Questa Intel FPGA Edition Libraries.