Questa* Intel® FPGA Edition Simulation User Guide

ID 730191
Date 4/01/2024
Document Table of Contents

3.8.6. Step 4: Assemble and Run the Gate-Level Simulation Script

Once you determine the compilation options and logical library name for each simulation file, you can create the vsim elaboration command. You can then create a Tcl script containing the appropriate commands to compile, elaborate, and simulate the design, as the following example Tcl script for gate-level simulation illustrates.

In this example, the post-fit verilog netlist is top.vo, the testbench file is, and the top-level testbench module is test. All files compile into the work library.

vlog -sv top.vo
vsim -t ps -L work test
add wave -r /*
run -all

You can save the script as sim.tcl, and run sim.tcl in the Questa Intel FPGA Edition GUI using the vsim -do sim.tcl command.