Questa* Intel® FPGA Edition Simulation User Guide

ID 730191
Date 4/01/2024
Document Table of Contents

3.4. Why You Should Only Use Precompiled Questa Intel FPGA Edition Libraries

You should only use the precompiled libraries included with the Questa* Intel® FPGA Edition simulator. Otherwise, you may exceed the 5000 module instance limit of Questa* Intel® FPGA Edition.

The precompiled libraries included in Questa* Intel® FPGA Edition are specially created so that Questa* Intel® FPGA Edition recognizes them as Intel libraries and does not count their instances towards the 5000 module instances limit.

The Quartus® Prime library source files are simply RTL files. Therefore, if you compile the library source files using vlog and vcom commands, Questa* Intel® FPGA Edition does not recognize those modules as part of the Quartus® Prime simulation library, and hence counts them towards the 5000 limit. For this reason, you should only use precompiled Questa* Intel® FPGA Edition libraries.