Questa* Intel® FPGA Edition Simulation User Guide

ID 730191
Date 4/01/2024
Document Table of Contents

3.5.2. Example Using msim_setup.tcl without Customization

The following is a simple example that illustrates use of the msim_setup.tcl file for a design that does not require passing in any specific compilation options or elaboration options.

This example has a single design file, and one testbench file that defines the top-level module tb. The design instantiates an Intel FPGA IP variant.

The example also includes the ./mentor/msim_setup.tcl Tcl script that Platform Designer generates, as Generating a msim_setup.tcl Simulation Script describes.

The example includes the manually created Tcl script ./mentor/my_sim.tcl that compiles, elaborates, and simulates the testbench. ./mentor/my_sim.tcl includes the following lines. Lines beginning with # are comments. You run the script by calling vsim -do my_sim.tcl from within the mentor directory.