Questa* Intel® FPGA Edition Simulation User Guide

ID 730191
Date 4/01/2024
Document Table of Contents Compilation Example 2: Compile File to Default Library (work)

The following example illustrates use of Tcl commands to compile a file into the default library. You must add the commands to a .do file that you then run at a terminal using the vsim command, as Compilation Example 1 describes.

The following Tcl command compiles to the work library, without explicit reference to the default library name:

vlog -sv
Note: The vlog command automatically creates the library directory work and the logical library work. Therefore, there is no need to create an explicit work directory and map it using the vmap and vlog commands.
However, If you want to specify a particular library location for work, such as /tools/libraries/my_work, then you must use the vmap and vlib commands, along with the logical library name work, as Compilation Example 1 shows:
vlog -sv 