Questa* Intel® FPGA Edition Simulation User Guide

ID 730191
Date 4/01/2024
Document Table of Contents

3.8.1. Post-Synthesis and Post-Fit Netlists for Simulation

During compilation, the Quartus® Prime Compiler first synthesizes the design into a netlist (a set of module instances interconnected by wires) of low-level device family specific ATOM blocks. This is also known as technology mapping. ATOMs are logical representations of various Intel FPGA hardware blocks, such as lookup tables, DSPs, and memory blocks. The netlist that results from Quartus® Prime synthesis is the post-synthesis netlist. Refer to Quartus Prime Simulation Library.

In the next stage of Quartus® Prime compilation, the Fitter takes the post-synthesis netlist as input, and produces a place and route solution for the ATOMs in the target FPGA that you specify. The netlist that results from place & route is the post-fit netlist.

The Quartus® Prime software can generate post-synthesis and post-fit netlists for simulation in Verilog HDL or VHDL format as Step 1: Generate Gate-Level Netlists for Simulation describes. Generally, The post-fit netlist has associated routing and cell (that is, ATOM) delays. However, the Quartus® Prime software does not support simulating a post-fit netlist with timing delays. In other words, the Quartus® Prime software supports post-fit functional simulation, but does not support post-fit timing simulation.