Questa* Intel® FPGA Edition Simulation User Guide

ID 730191
Date 4/01/2024
Document Table of Contents Elaboration Example 1: Elaborate the Test Top-level Testbench Module

In the following example, the file defining the module test is compiled into the top_lib library. All other testbench and design related RTL files are compiled into the lib1, lib2, and top_lib libraries.

You can elaborate the testbench module test with the following single Tcl command:

vsim -L work -L lib1 -L lib2 -L top_lib top_lib.test

The order of libraries is relevant because the vsim command searches for module definitions in the order you specify, as Elaboration Binding Phase describes.

Note: You must ensure that the first -L entry in all vsim commands is always -L work, because this alters the way that Questa* Intel® FPGA Edition searches for module definitions. This technique also helps to eliminate issues caused by duplicate modules shared by multiple IP.

This example command does not preserve any internal signals, which means that you cannot capture the waveforms for those signals during simulation.

Note: When the vsim Tcl command completes, the executable simulation model for module test automatically loads into memory so that subsequent Tcl commands can simulate the test module.