Questa* Intel® FPGA Edition Simulation User Guide

ID 730191
Date 4/01/2024
Document Table of Contents

3.3. Commands to Compile, Elaborate, and Simulate

This section describes the various Tcl commands to compile, elaborate, and simulate the design. You can include these commands in a Tcl script such as, and provide that script as input to simulator commands, as Commands to Invoke Questa Intel FPGA Edition describes.

The following examples illustrate use of these commands. The complete example appears at the end of this section. Review the examples in sequence because later examples omit steps or explanations that earlier examples provide.

Note: These examples only illustrate a small set of commands and options. Refer to Siemens EDA Questa Intel FPGA User Guide for a comprehensive command reference, as Accessing Siemens EDA-Provided Simulator Documentation describes.