F-Tile PMA and FEC Direct PHY Multirate Intel® FPGA IP User Guide

ID 720998
Date 12/19/2022

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Document Table of Contents

3. Parameters

You can select the F-Tile PMA/FEC Direct PHY Multirate Intel FPGA IP core for Intel® Agilex™ devices from the Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition software IP catalog. To customize the IP core, specify the parameters in the IP parameter editor.
The following figures and tables list and describe all the IP parameters and how they appear in the GUI.
Figure 1. IP Parameter Editor: General Tab
Table 17.  Parameter Settings: General Tab
Parameter Supported Values Default Setting Description
General Options
PMA type


FGT Selects the targeted PMA type in the F-tile.
  • FGT supports 10G-50G per lane.
  • FHT supports 25G-100G per lane with maximum of 4 FHT PMA lanes available per each tile.
    Note: The IP currently only supports FGT PMA reconfiguration.
Reconfiguration group

25G-1 Reconfigurable

50G-1 Reconfigurable

50G-2 Reconfigurable

100G-2 Reconfigurable

100G-4 Reconfigurable

200G-4 Reconfigurable

200G-8 Reconfigurable

400G-8 Reconfigurable

150G-6 Reconfigurable

300G-12 Reconfigurable

25G-1 Reconfigurable

Selects the reconfiguration group. The reconfiguration group indicates the maximum supported fracture types, and data rates along with the maximum count of PMA used within the group.

PMA Mode


TX Simplex

RX Simplex

Duplex Selects the PMA operation mode.
Enable RS-FEC use




Select if RS-FEC is enabled in any one of the subsequent profiles.

If this attribute is not selected all RS-FEC related attributes in all profiles are grayed out for all profiles.
System PLL frequency

31.25MHz - 1000MHz


Sets system PLL output clock frequency.

Reconfiguration clock source stream 0-15


stream 0

Selects the source of the clock used between reconfiguration mux and Dynamic Reconfiguration controller IP.

When you select the stream 0-15 setting, you must:
  • Take tx_clkout from the corresponding stream and connect it to coreclkin ports of the IP.
  • Select sys PLL clock div 2 as the tx_clkout source.
  • Do not reconfigure the stream that is used as the reconfiguration clock source for the Dynamic Reconfiguration controller logic, unless all streams are getting reconfigured at the same time.
When you have more than one F-Tile PMA/FEC Direct PHY Multirate Intel FPGA IP instances in your design, and you select the external setting, you must:
  • Take the tx_clkout source of the first F-tile PMA/FEC Direct PHY Multirate Intel FPGA IP instance (with stream 0-15 selection) and connect to the coreclkin port of the second F-tile PMA/FEC Direct PHY Multirate Intel FPGA IP instance (with external selection)
  • Use the following .qsf assignment to assign the master clock for either the F-tile PMA/FEC Direct PHY Multirate Intel FPGA IP that does not use the external selection or any other indicated protocol PHY IPs:

    IP_RECONFIG_GROUP_MASTER_CLOCK_CHANNEL -to <bb_instance_hpath> <clock-port-name>

    For example, for duplex and TX simplex designs use: set_instance_assignment -name IP_RECONFIG_GROUP_MASTER_CLOCK_CHANNEL -to <bb_instance_hpath> PLD_PCS_TX_CLK_OUT1_DCM,

    and for RX simplex designs use: set_instance_assignment -name IP_RECONFIG_GROUP_MASTER_CLOCK_CHANNEL -to <bb_instance_hpath> PLD_PCS_RX_CLK_OUT1_DCM

Note: Refer to Dynamic Reconfiguration QSF settings in the F-tile Dynamic Reconfiguration Suite Intel FPGA IP User Guide for the relevant .qsf assignments.
Selected coreclkin clock network

Dedicated Clock

Global Clock

Dedicated Clock

Specifies the type of clock network to use to route the clock signal to the coreclkin port. Dedicated Clock allows a higher maximum frequency between the FPGA fabric and the F-tile interface. The number of Dedicated Clock lines are limited.

Number of secondary profiles 1-32 1 Selects the number for the secondary profiles.

Each secondary profile enables a new tab in the IP GUI. For example, setting value of profiles to 8 generates eight secondary profile tabs.

Datapath Avalon® Memory-Mapped Interface Options
Enable datapath Avalon® interface



Off Enables or disables datapath Avalon® interface.
Enable soft CSR



Off Turns the soft CSR feature on or off.
Enable reconfiguration soft CSR



Off Turns the reconfiguration soft CSR feature on or off.
Enable readdatavalid port on datapath Avalon® interface




Off specifies no readdatavalid port, and waitrequest low indicates data valid.

On specifies readdatavalid port indicates data valid.

Enable Debug Endpoint on datapath Avalon® interface



Off When turned on the IP includes an embedded Native PHY Debug Master Endpoint that connects internally to the Avalon® memory-mapped agent interface. The Native PHY Debug Master Endpoint can access the reconfiguration space of the PMA. It can perform certain test and debug functions via JTAG using System Console. This option may require you to include a jtag_debug link in the system.
PMA Avalon® Memory-Mapped Interface Options
Enable PMA Avalon® interface




Enables or disables PMA Avalon® interface.

Enable readdatavalid port on PMA Avalon® interface




Off specifies no readdatavalid port, and waitrequest low indicates data valid.

On specifies readdatavalid port indicates data valid.

Enable Debug Endpoint on PMA Avalon® interface




When enabled, IP includes an embedded Native PHY Debug Master Endpoint that connects internally to the Avalon memory-mapped slave interface. The Native PHY Debug Master Endpoint can access the reconfiguration space of the PMA lane.

Figure 2. IP Parameter Editor: Profile #0
Table 18.  Parameter Settings: Profile #N (N=0-32) Tab
Parameter Supported Values Default Setting Description
Profile #N IP Configuration (N=0-32)
Note: The number of profiles depends on the Number of Secondary Profiles parameter selection in the General tab.
Reconfiguration subset

Range depends upon the configuration selected in Reconfiguration group setting in General tab.

N/A Selects reconfiguration subset from Reconfiguration group members that this profile belongs to. Based on this selection some parameters in the rest of the tab are limited such as PMA lanes, PMA width and data rates.
Target fracture



All A profile can define a portion of the reconfiguration subset, for example in 100G reconfiguration group, one of the 50G subsets could be defined by this profile. When All is selected this profile is instantiated multiple times and is targeted to all PMAs. Otherwise it is be applied to selected PMA. For multi-PMA profiles, the profile is applied to PMAs consecutively starting from base profile.
Profile group id 0:32 0 The setting should be allocated to each profile configuration based on total number of available sub-set profiles and what id you choose to assign to each profile.
Use profile for startup



N/A When enabled, this profile becomes part of start-up configuration..
Common Datapath Options PN (N=0-32)
Number of PMA lanes








1 Specifies the total number of PMA lanes in a single bonded system. This setting together with Enable RS-FEC and PMA data rate determines the system’s operational mode.
FGT PMA Configuration rules








Basic Selects the protocol configuration rules for the FGT PMA. Parameter needs to be set for individual PMAs.
PMA Modulation type




Specifies the modulation type used for serial data.
PMA Data Rate
  • 24-29 Gbps NRZ
  • 48-58 Gbps NRZ and PAM4
  • 96-116 Gbps PAM4
  • 1-32 Gbps NRZ
  • 20-158.125 PAM4


Specifies the PMA data rate in units of Mbps.

PMA Width








32 Specifies the PMA data width.
Figure 3. IP Parameter Editor: Secondary Profiles #1-32
Table 19.  Additional Parameter Settings for Secondary Profiles: Profile #N (N=1-32) Tab
Parameter Supported Values Default Setting Description
Reference Profile
Note: This parameter is not available in Profile #0, and valid range does not include Profile #0.
1-32 N/A Reference profile to copy the parameter settings from. When Copy from reference profile button is clicked, the parameter settings of the reference profile is copied to the current profile.
Note: All the settings from the reference profile, except Target fracture, Profile group id, Use profile for startup and placement related settings, are copied.
Copy from reference profile to profileN N/A N/A When you click this button, the parameter settings of the Reference profile are copied to current profile.
Enable separate reference clock ports for profile
Note: This parameter is available only for secondary profiles.
N/A N/A By default only the reference clock ports for base profile are available at top level. All other PMAs gets the same reference clocks as the base profile. When this option is selected, reference clock ports are available for secondary profiles. When you have different reference clock connections for the same PMAs in different profiles, Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition software detects the intent for reference clock switching.
Figure 4. IP Parameter Editor: TX Datapath Options P0
Table 20.  Parameter Settings: TX Datapath Options PN (N=0-32)
Parameter Supported Values Default Setting Description
TX FGT PMA PN (N=0-32)
Enable Gray Coding



Off Enables Gray coding. Applicable for PAM4 encoding only.
Enable precoding



Off Enables precoding. Applicable to PAM4 encoding only.
Enable fgt_tx_beacon port



Off Enable fgt_tx_beacon port for SATA.
TX User Clock Setting PN (N=0-32)
Enable TX user clock 1



Off Controls the buffer to enable/disable TX user clock 1. If the clock is not used you can disable setting to save power.
Enable TX user clock 2



Off Controls the buffer to enable/disable TX user clock 2. If the clock is not used you can disable setting to save power.
TX user clk div by


32 Division factor from Fvco of TX PLL to TX user clock. Values from 12 to 139.5 are acceptable in 0.5 increments. This clock source drives both TX user clock 1 and 2
TX FGT PLL Settings PN (N=0-32)
Output frequency Output Displays preset frequency Shows the calculated TX FGT PLL output frequency.
VCO frequency Output Displays preset frequency Shows the calculated TX FGT PLL VCO output frequency.
Enable TX FGT PLL cascade mode



Off In single lane configurations, selects the mode where RX CDR PLL gets its reference clock from TX PLL output. In multi-lane configurations, selects the mode where RX CDR PLL of initiators and responders get their reference clock from initiator TX PLL output and TX PLL of responders get their reference clocks from initiator TX PLL output.
Enable TX FGT PLL fractional mode



Off Enables TX FGT PLL’s fractional mode.
TX FGT PLL reference clock frequency 25 to 380 MHz 156.25 MHz Selects the reference clock frequency (MHz) for the TX FGT PLL. Range is:
  • 25 – 380 MHz when reference clock is configured for FGT PMA. (If using HDMI protocol, use only 25 – 100 MHz)
  • 100 – 380 MHz when reference clock is configured for System PLL or shared with system PLL and FGT PMA.
TX PMA Interface P0
Note: These interface ports are only available in the base profile (Profile #0) tab.
Enable tx_pmaif_fifo_empty port



Off Enables the port which indicates TX PMA Interface FIFO's empty condition.
Enable tx_pmaif_fifo_pempty port



Off Enable the port which indicates TX PMA Interface FIFO's partially empty condition.
Enable tx_pmaif_fifo_pfull port



Off Enables the port which indicates TX PMA Interface FIFO's partially full condition.
Enable tx_pmaif_fifo_overflow port



Off Enables the port which indicates TX PMA Interface FIFO's overflow condition.
TX Core Interface PN (N=0-32)
TX Clock Options PN (N=0-32)
Selected tx_clkout clock source

Word Clock

Bond Clock

User Clock 1

User Clock 2

Sys PLL clock

Sys PLL Clock Div2

Sys PLL Clock Div2

Specifies the tx_clkout output port source.

Frequency of tx_clkout Output Displays frequency value

Displays the frequency of tx_clkout in MHz based on tx_clkout source selection

Enable tx_clkout2 port
Note: This parameter is available only in the base profile (Profile #0) as it is related to port selection.




Enables the optional tx_clkout2 output clock.

Selected tx_clkout2 clock source

Word Clock

Bond Clock

User Clock 1

User Clock 2

Sys PLL clock

Sys PLL Clock Div2

Word Clock

Specifies the tx_clkout2 output port source.

tx_clkout2 clock divby





Selects the tx_clkout2 divider setting that divides the tx_clkout2 output port source.

Frequency of tx_clkout2 Output Displays frequency value

Displays the frequency of tx_clkout2 in MHz based on tx_clkout2 source selection and tx_clkout2 clock divide by factor.

Figure 5. IP Parameter Editor: RX Datapath Options P0
Table 21.  Parameter Settings: RX Datapath Options PN (N=0-32)
Parameter Supported Values Default Setting Description
RX FGT PMA PN (N=0-32)
Enable Gray Coding



Off Enables Gray coding. Applicable for PAM4 encoding only.
Enable precoding



Off Enables precoding. Applicable to PAM4 encoding only.
Enable SATA squelch detection



Off Enables squelch detection for SATA.
Enable fgt_rx_signal_detect port



Off Enables the fgt_rx_signal_detect port.
Enable fgt_rx_signal_detect_lfps port



Off Enables the fgt_rx_signal_detect_lfps port.
RX FGT CDR Settings PN (N=0-32)
Output frequency N/A Displays preset frequency Specifies the non editable RX FGT CDR output frequency initial value derived from the IP configuration.
VCO frequency N/A Displays preset frequency Specifies the non editable RX FGT CDR VCO output frequency initial value derived from the IP configuration.
RX FGT CDR reference clock frequency 25.781250-250.000000 156.25 MHz Selects the reference clock frequency for the CDR.
Enable fgt_rx_set_locktoref port



Off Asserting this signal keeps CDR in lock to reference mode. Deasserting this signal keeps CDR in auto mode. When switching modes, assert reset. In manual reference clock mode, switch the reset controller to ignore locktodata mode through appropriate write to soft CSRs.
Enable fgt_rx_cdr_freeze port



Off This port is for GPON to freeze the CDR lock state during non-active time-slots.
CDR lock mode


manual lock to reference


When auto is selected, during the user-initiated reset (or power-up) CDR first tries to lock to data if present. By default, loss of lock to data re-triggers the RX PMA reset.

When manual lock to reference is selected, fgt_rx_set_locktoref controls the CDR lock behavior. If fgt_rx_set_locktoref is low, CDR operates in auto mode. If fgt_rx_set_locktoref is high CDR operates in lock to reference mode. In manual mode, the reset controller should be configured to ignore the lock to data status through appropriate soft CSR write.

RX User Clock Setting PN (N=0-32)
Enable RX user clock



Off Divider values of RX CDR output frequency. If the clock is not used, you can disable the clock to save power. This clock source drives both RX User Clock 1 and User Clock 2 in the Core Interface.
RX user clock div by: 12-139.5 32 Division factor from Fvco of RX CDR to RX user clock. Values from 12 to 139.5 are acceptable in 0.5 increments.
RX PMA Interface P0
Note: These interface ports are only available in the base profile (Profile #0) tab.
Enable rx_pmaif_fifo_empty port



Off Enables the port that indicates RX PMA Interface FIFO's empty condition.
Enable rx_pmaif_fifo_pempty port



Off Enable the port that indicates RX PMA Interface FIFO's partially empty condition.
Enable rx_pmaif_fifo_pfull port



Off Enables the port that indicates RX PMA Interface FIFO's partially full condition.
RX Core Interface PN (N=0-32)
RX Clock Options PN (N=0-32)
Selected rx_clkout clock source

Word Clock

Bond Clock

User Clock 1

User Clock 2

Sys PLL clock

Sys PLL Clock Div2

Sys PLL Clock Div2

Specifies the rx_clkout output port source.

Frequency of rx_clkout Output Displays frequency value

Displays the frequency of rx_clkout in MHz based on rx_clkout source selection

Enable rx_clkout2 port
Note: This parameter is available only in the base profile (Profile #0) as it is related to port selection.




Enables the optional rx_clkout2 output clock.

Selected rx_clkout2 clock source

Word Clock

Bond clock

User clock 1

User clock 2

Sys PLL clock

Sys PLL Clock div2

Word Clock

Specifies the rx_clkout2 output port source.

rx_clkout2 clock divby




Selects the rx_clkout2 divider setting that divides the rx_clkout2 output port source.

Frequency of rx_clkout2 Output Displays frequency value

Displays the frequency of rx_clkout2 in MHz based on rx_clkout2 source selection and rx_clkout2 clock divide by factor.

Figure 6. IP Parameter Editor: RS-FEC P0
Table 22.  Parameter Settings: RS-FEC PN (N=0-32)
Parameter Supported Values Default Setting Description
Enable RS-FEC



Enables the RS-FEC module.
RS-FEC Mode:
  • Ethernet Technology Consortium (ETC) RS (272,258)
  • IEEE 802.3 RS (528,514) (CL 91)
  • IEEE 802.3 RS (544,514) (CL 91) ETC
  • Fibre Channel RS (528, 514)
  • FlexO RS (528, 514)
  • IEEE 802.3 RS (544,514) (CL 134)
  • Custom IEEE 802.3 RS (544, 514) (CL 134) @26.5625Gbps
  • Interlaken RS (544, 514)
  • Fibre Channel RS (544, 514)
  • FlexO RS (544, 514)
IEEE 802.3 RS (528,514) (CL 91)

Specifies the RS-FEC mode for various topologies.

Enable RS-FEC data interleave pattern




FEC lanes are bit-interleaved on each physical lane. When enabled: 64/80 (only for IEEE 802).

Note: The F-Tile PMA/FEC Direct PHY Multirate Intel FPGA IP does not support RS-FEC loopback.