F-Tile PMA and FEC Direct PHY Multirate Intel® FPGA IP User Guide

ID 720998
Date 12/19/2022

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Document Table of Contents

1.5. Resource Utilization

These results were obtained using the Intel® Quartus® Prime software version 22.1 with the following conditions:
  • The resource utilization is specific to FGT reconfiguration groups.
  • The resource utilization excludes the soft logic utilization for the *_Tiles file, generated by Intel® Quartus® Prime software after the support logic generation phase.
    Note: The IP currently only supports FGT PMA reconfiguration.
Table 4.  Resource Utilization for Intel® Agilex™ Devices
Reconfiguration Group ALMs Combinatorial ALUTs Logic Registers Block Memory Bits
25G-1 PMA mode 465 536 482 0
25G-1 FEC mode 461 540 484 0
50G-1 PMA mode 602 670 499 0
50G-1 FEC mode 599 674 499 0
50G-2 PMA mode 833 1062 707 0
50G-2 FEC mode 827 1061 748 0
100G-2 PMA mode 1377 1790 958 0
100G-2 FEC mode 1351 1793 981 0
100G-4 PMA mode 931 1,118 851 0
100G-4 FEC mode 1,596 1,952 1,500 0