Intel Cyclone 10 LP Device Design Guidelines

ID 683861
Date 3/28/2019
Document Table of Contents

Using IP Cores

Table 53.  Using IP Cores Checklist
Number Done? Checklist Item
1   Use IP cores with the parameter editor.

Intel provides parameterizable IP cores that are optimized for Intel device architectures. You can save design time by using IP cores instead of coding your own logic. Additionally, the Intel-provided IP cores can offer more efficient logic synthesis and device implementation. You can scale the IP core’s size and set various options with parameters. IP cores include the library of parameterized modules (LPM) and Intel device-specific IP cores. You can also take advantage of Intel and third-party IP cores and reference designs to save design time. The Intel® Quartus® Prime IP catalog provides a user interface to customize IP cores. You should build or change IP core parameters using the parameter editor to ensure you set all ports and parameters correctly.