Intel FPGA Integer Arithmetic IP Cores User Guide

ID 683490
Date 10/05/2020

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2.5. Ports

The following tables list the input and output ports for the LPM_COUNTER IP core.

Table 2.  LPM_COUNTER Input Ports
Port Name Required Description
data[] No Parallel data input to the counter. The size of the input port depends on the LPM_WIDTH parameter value.
clock Yes Positive-edge-triggered clock input.
clk_en No Clock enable input to enable all synchronous activities. If omitted, the default value is 1.
cnt_en No Count enable input to disable the count when asserted low without affecting sload, sset, or sclr. If omitted, the default value is 1.
updown No Controls the direction of the count. When asserted high (1), the count direction is up, and when asserted low (0), the count direction is down. If the LPM_DIRECTION parameter is used, the updown port cannot be connected. If LPM_DIRECTION is not used, the updown port is optional. If omitted, the default value is up (1).
cin No Carry-in to the low-order bit. For up counters, the behavior of the cin input is identical to the behavior of the cnt_en input. If omitted, the default value is 1 (VCC).
aclr No Asynchronous clear input. If both aset and aclr are used and asserted, aclr overrides aset. If omitted, the default value is 0 (disabled).
aset No Asynchronous set input. Specifies the q[] outputs as all 1s, or to the value specified by the LPM_AVALUE parameter. If both the aset and aclr ports are used and asserted, the value of the aclr port overrides the value of the aset port. If omitted, the default value is 0, disabled.
aload No Asynchronous load input that asynchronously loads the counter with the value on the data input. When the aload port is used, the data[] port must be connected. If omitted, the default value is 0, disabled.
sclr No Synchronous clear input that clears the counter on the next active clock edge. If both the sset and sclr ports are used and asserted, the value of the sclr port overrides the value of the sset port. If omitted, the default value is 0, disabled.
sset No Synchronous set input that sets the counter on the next active clock edge. Specifies the value of the q outputs as all 1s, or to the value specified by the LPM_SVALUE parameter. If both the sset and sclr ports are used and asserted, the value of the sclr port overrides the value of the sset port. If omitted, the default value is 0 (disabled).
sload No Synchronous load input that loads the counter with data[] on the next active clock edge. When the sload port is used, the data[] port must be connected. If omitted, the default value is 0 (disabled).
Table 3.  LPM_COUNTER Output Ports
Port Name Required Description
q[] No Data output from the counter. The size of the output port depends on the LPM_WIDTH parameter value. Either q[] or at least one of the eq[15..0] ports must be connected.
eq[15..0] No Counter decode output. The eq[15..0] port is not accessible in the parameter editor because the parameter only supports AHDL.

Either the q[] port or eq[] port must be connected. Up to c eq ports can be used (0 <= c <= 15). Only the 16 lowest count values are decoded. When the count value is c, the eqc output is asserted high (1). For example, when the count is 0, eq0 = 1, when the count is 1, eq1 = 1, and when the count is 15, eq 15 = 1. Decoded output for count values of 16 or greater require external decoding. The eq[15..0] outputs are asynchronous to the q[] output.

cout No Carry-out port of the counter's MSB bit. It can be used to connect to another counter to create a larger counter.