Mailbox Client Intel® FPGA IPs User Guide

ID 683290
Date 11/04/2024
Document Table of Contents

1.8. Enabling Cryptographic Services

The cryptographic offloading feature is available for Agilex™ 7 and Agilex™ 5 devices in Quartus® Prime Pro Edition software version 21.3 or later.

To enable this feature in the IP parameter editor, set Enable Crypto Service parameter to 1. When enabled, the Mailbox Client Intel® FPGA IP generates an 64-bit AXI manager interface that is used to pass data between the cryptographic fabric IP and user space memory.

For more information about the Cryptographic Services Mailbox Commands, refer to the Security Methodology for Intel® FPGAs and Structured ASICs User Guide which contains detailed descriptions of the security features and technologies in Intel Programmable Solutions products to help you select the security features necessary to meet your security objectives. For more information or access, contact Intel Premier Support and quote ID #14014613136.