2. Appendix: CONFIG_STATUS and RSU_STATUS Error Code Descriptions
The Eo Code field i the commad heade povides details of majo ad mio eo codes. Fo moe ifomatio about specific bits epesetig the majo ad mio eo codes i the CONFIG_STATUS ad RSU_STATUS commad, efe to the Commad List ad Desciptio table.
Majo Eo Code | Eo Type | Desciptio |
0xF001 | ERR_BITSTREAM_ERROR | Idicates a bitsteam eo. |
0xF002 | ERR_EXT_HW_ACCESS_FAIL | Idicates a exteal hadwae access eo. |
0xF003 | ERR_BITSTREAM_CORRUPTION | Idicates a bitsteam couptio eo. |
0xF004 | ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR | Idicates a iteal eo due to misudestood bitsteam elemet. |
0xF005 | ERR_DEVICE_ERROR | Idicates a device opeatio eo. |
0xF006 | ERR_HPS_WDT | Idicates the HPS watchdog timeout failue. Esue that you desig esets the watchdog time coectly. |
0xF007 | ERR_INTERNAL_UNKNOWN_ERROR | Idicates a iteal device eo due to a ukow task. |
0xF008 | ERR_SYSTEM_INIT_ERROR | Idicates a eo due to the system iitializatio failue. |
0xF009 | ERR_DECRYPTION_ERROR | Idicates a eo due to a bitsteam decyptio. |
Mio Eo Code | Desciptio |
0x0001 | Idicates a eo duig cofiguatio. Refe to the Cofiguatio Use Guide fo details o the debug guidelies. Check the latest Quatus® Pime softwae elease fo possible fixes. |
0x0002 | Idicates a QSPI-elated eo due to the followig coditios:
0x0003 | Idicates a cofiguatio eo due to a coupted bitsteam. Esue a valid coectio betwee the device ad the cofiguatio souce. |
0x0004 | Idicates a cofiguatio eo due to a icompatible bitsteam with the device. Esue the usage of a coect bitsteam. |
0x0005 - 0x0007 | Idicates a cofiguatio eo due to a coupted bitsteam. Esue a valid coectio betwee the device ad the cofiguatio souce. |
0x0008 | Idicates a eo duig cofiguatio. Refe to the Cofiguatio Use Guide fo details o the debug guidelies. Check the latest Quatus® Pime softwae elease fo possible fixes. |
0x0009 - 0x0014 | |
0x0015 | Idicates a bitsteam autheticatio eo duig cofiguatio. Esue you siged the bitsteam with the coect sigig key. |
0x0016 | Idicates a cofiguatio eo due to a coupted bitsteam. Esue a valid coectio betwee the device ad the cofiguatio souce. |
0x0017 - 0x0024 | Idicates a eo duig cofiguatio. Refe to the Cofiguatio Use Guide fo details o the debug guidelies. Check the latest Quatus® Pime softwae elease fo possible fixes. |
0x0025 | Idicates a fimwae tasitioal eo duig cofiguatio. Esue the device fimwae ad the cuet Quatus® Pime softwae vesio ae compatible. To ecove, emove the cuet uig fimwae fom the device. |
0x0026 - 0x0031 | Idicates a eo duig cofiguatio. Refe to the Cofiguatio Use Guide fo details o the debug guidelies. Check the latest Quatus® Pime softwae elease fo possible fixes. |
0x0032 | Idicates a PMBUS eo duig cofiguatio due to a icoect VID settig i the Quatus® Pime poject. The taget device failed to commuicate with a smat egulato o PMBUS maste o a boad. |
0x0033 | Idicates a PMBUS eo duig cofiguatio due to a icoect VID settig i the Quatus® Pime poject. The taget device failed to commuicate with a smat egulato o PMBUS maste o a boad. |
0x0034 - 0x0035 | Idicates a eo duig cofiguatio. Refe to the Cofiguatio Use Guide fo details o the debug guidelies. Check the latest Quatus® Pime softwae elease fo possible fixes. |
0x0036 | Reseved |
0x0037 - 0x0041 | Idicates a cofiguatio eo due to a coupted bitsteam. Esue a valid coectio betwee the device ad the cofiguatio souce. |
0x0042 | Idicates a icompatible patial ecofiguatio (PR) bitsteam. Esue you use the PR bitsteam compatible with the cuet base desig. |
0x0043 - 0x0049 | Reseved |
0x004A- 0x004F | Idicates a eo duig cofiguatio. Refe to the Cofiguatio Use Guide fo details o the debug guidelies. Check the latest Quatus® Pime softwae elease fo possible fixes. |
0x0050 | Idicates a eo duig cofiguatio due to a device mismatch betwee the Quatus® Pime poject ad the taget device. |
0x0051 - 0x0052 | Idicates a cofiguatio eo due to a coupted bitsteam. Esue a valid coectio betwee the device ad the cofiguatio souce. |
0x0053 - 0x0054 | Idicates a bitsteam decyptio eo due to a coupted bitsteam. Esue a valid coectio betwee the device ad the cofiguatio souce. |
0x0055 | Idicates a eo duig cofiguatio. Refe to the Cofiguatio Use Guide fo details o the debug guidelies. Check the latest Quatus® Pime softwae elease fo possible fixes. |
0x0056 - 0x0058 | Idicates a cofiguatio eo due to a coupted bitsteam. Esue a valid coectio betwee the device ad the cofiguatio souce. |
0x0059 - 0x0061 | Idicates a eo duig cofiguatio. Refe to the Cofiguatio Use Guide fo details o the debug guidelies. Check the latest Quatus® Pime softwae elease fo possible fixes. |
0x0062 | Idicates a cofiguatio eo due to a coupted bitsteam. Esue a valid coectio betwee the device ad the cofiguatio souce. |
0x0063 | Idicates a eo duig cofiguatio. Refe to the Cofiguatio Use Guide fo details o the debug guidelies. Check the latest Quatus® Pime softwae elease fo possible fixes. |
0x0064 - 0x0066 | Idicates a cofiguatio eo due to a coupted bitsteam. Esue a valid coectio betwee the device ad the cofiguatio souce. |
0x0067 | Idicates a eo duig cofiguatio. Refe to the Cofiguatio Use Guide fo details o the debug guidelies. Check the latest Quatus® Pime softwae elease fo possible fixes. |
0x0068 | Idicates that the detected bitsteam is icompatible due to the secuity eabled settigs. You caot use the bitsteam fom a advaced secuity-eabled devices o a o-advaced secuity-eabled device. Esue the Quatus® Pime poject device matches the taget device. |
0x0069 | Idicates that the detected bitsteam is ivalid due to eached maximum umbe of suppoted patial ecofiguatio (PR) autheticatio. The bitsteam suppots up to 32 PR patitios. |
0x006A - 0x0075 | Idicates a eo duig cofiguatio. Refe to the Cofiguatio Use Guide fo details o the debug guidelies. Check the latest Quatus® Pime softwae elease fo possible fixes. |
0x0088 - 0x0090 | Idicates a cofiguatio eo due to the UIB ef clock. Esue the UIB efclk is eabled o the device. |
0xC001 | Idicates a fimwae eo duig ecofiguatio. Check the latest Quatus® Pime softwae elease fo possible fixes. |
0xC002 - 0xC006 | Idicates a bitsteam eo duig ecofiguatio. Check the bitsteam validity. If coupted, egeeate ad cofigue bitsteam agai. |
0xC007 | Idicates a eo due to tasitioig to othe fimwae vesio o applicatio image. Esue the bitsteam is valid. If coupted, egeeate ad epogam QSPI flash with RSU image via the JTAG iteface. |
0xC008 | Idicates a eo duig cofiguatio. Refe to the Cofiguatio Use Guide fo details o the debug guidelies. Check the latest Quatus® Pime softwae elease fo possible fixes. |
0xC009 | Idicates a bitsteam autheticatio eo duig ecofiguatio. Esue you use the coect sigig key whe sigig the bitsteam. |
0xC00A | Idicates a eo duig cofiguatio. To ecove, powe cycle the device. |
0xC00B | Idicates a eo duig cofiguatio. Refe to the Cofiguatio Use Guide fo details o the debug guidelies. Check the latest Quatus® Pime softwae elease fo possible fixes. |
0xC00D | Idicates a hadwae eo duig ecofiguatio. To ecove, powe cycle the device. |
0xC00E | Idicates a bitsteam eo duig ecofiguatio. Check the bitsteam validity. If coupted, egeeate ad cofigue bitsteam agai. |
0xC00F | Idicates a eo whe accessig the QSPI flash memoy. Recofigue device by togglig CONFIG pi sigal o powe cycle the device. |
0xD001 | Idicates a autheticatio failue fo the fimwae. Esue you use the coect fimwae sigig key whe eablig fimwae co-sigig featue. |
0xD002 | Idicates a autheticatio failue fo the desig. Esue you sig the bitsteam with a coect sigig key. |
0xD003 | Idicates a eo whe loadig the applicatio image fom QSPI flash. Esue the applicatio image located at the coect addess i QSPI flash. |
0xD004 | Idicates a eo whe pasig the RSU CPB block. RSU CPB block is coupted. To ecove, toggle the CONFIG pi to estat the RSU. If the issue pesists, epogam the RSU CPB block data. |
0xD005 | Idicates a eo duig cofiguatio. Refe to the Cofiguatio Use Guide fo details o the debug guidelies. Check the latest Quatus® Pime softwae elease fo possible fixes. |
0xD006 | Failed to load factoy image. Esue the factoy image is valid. If coupted, egeeate ad epogam the factoy image i the flash. Whe autheticatio is eabled, esue you use the coect sigig key. |
0xD007 | Idicates a eo whe loadig the applicatio image. Check the applicatio image validity. If coupted, egeeate ad epogam agai the applicatio image i the flash. |
0xD008 | Idicates a eo duig factoy image update i flash memoy. Check the factoy update image validity. If coupted, egeeate ad epogam agai the factoy updated image i the flash. |
0xD009 | Idicates a eo duig a decisio fimwae update i flash memoy. Check the factoy update image validity. If coupted, egeeate ad epogam agai the factoy updated image. Esue you use the coect sigig key whe autheticatio is eabled. |
0xD00A | Idicates a eo duig a decisio fimwae update i flash memoy. Flash memoy may have eset duig the update pocess. To ecove, toggle the CONFIG sigal to estat the update pocess. |
0xD00B | Idicates a eo duig a decisio fimwae update i flash memoy. Flash memoy may have eset duig the update pocess. To ecove, toggle the CONFIG sigal to estat the update pocess. |
0xD00C | Idicates a eo duig RSU CPB table update i flash. RSU CPB block data may be coupted. To ecove, egeeate the RSU image cotaiig the updated factoy image ad pogam it to flash. |
0xD00D | Idicates a eo duig combied applicatio image update i flash memoy. Check the combied applicatio image validity. If coupted, egeeate ad epogam agai the combied applicatio update image i the flash. |
0xD00E | Idicates a eo duig a decisio fimwae update i flash memoy. Flash memoy may have eset duig the update pocess. To ecove, toggle the CONFIG sigal to estat the update pocess. |
0xD00F | Idicates a eo whe pasig the DCIO sectio. The DCIO sectio may be coupted. To ecove, egeeate the RSU image cotaiig ew decisio fimwae o DCIO sectio ad pogam it to flash. |
0xD010 | Idicates a eo i the RSU CPB0 table. The CPB0 table may be coupted. To ecove the CPB0, egeeate the RSU image cotaiig ew decisio fimwae ad pogam it to flash. |
0xD011 | Idicates a eo i the RSU CPB0 ad CPB1 tables. Both CPB0 ad CPB1 table eties may be coupted. To ecove CPB0 ad CPB1, egeeate the RSU image cotaiig ew decisio fimwae ad pogam it to flash. |
0xD012 | Idicates a successful o-JTAG device povisioig. The successful decisio fimwae loads the highest pioity applicatio image. |
0xD013 | Idicates a eo duig the device povisioig. |
0xE001 | Idicates a eo duig cofiguatio. Refe to the Cofiguatio Use Guide fo details o the debug guidelies. Check the latest Quatus® Pime softwae elease fo possible fixes. |
0xE002 | Idicates a eo duig cofiguatio. Refe to the Cofiguatio Use Guide fo details o the debug guidelies. Check the latest Quatus® Pime softwae elease fo possible fixes. |
0xE003 - 0xE008 | Reseved |
0xE009 - 0xE00B | Idicates a eo duig cofiguatio. Refe to the Cofiguatio Use Guide fo details o the debug guidelies. Check the latest Quatus® Pime softwae elease fo possible fixes. |
0xE00C | Reseved |