Mailbox Client Driver API
Pototype: | mailbox_cliet_ope(cost cha *ame) | |
Iclude: | Fo
<altea_s10_mailbox_cliet.h> |
Fo Agilex™ 5 devices | <itel_mailbox_cliet.h> | |
Paamete: |
Retu: | Retu o-NULL if successful ad othewise etu:
Desciptio: | Retieve a poite to the Mailbox Cliet block istace. Seach fo the list of egisteed mailbox cliet istaces fo the oe with the supplied ame. |
Pototype: | mailbox_cliet_sed_cmd (itel_mailbox_cliet* fd, alt_u8 id, alt_u32 cmd, alt_u32* ag, it ag_legth, it cmd_legth, alt_u32* iput_data, alt_u32* esp_buf, alt_u32 esp_buf_le) 17 | |
Iclude: | Fo
<altea_s10_mailbox_cliet.h> |
Fo Agilex™ 5 devices | <itel_mailbox_cliet.h> | |
Paamete: |
Retu: | Retu 0 if successful ad othewise etu:
Desciptio: | Sed commads ad data to the mailbox cliet. Reads back the espose whe data valid iteupt occus. |
Pototype: | mailbox_cliet_flash_ope(itel_mailbox_cliet* fd) | |
Iclude: | Fo
<altea_s10_mailbox_cliet_flash.h> |
Fo Agilex™ 5 devices | <itel_mailbox_cliet_flash.h> | |
Paamete: |
Retu: | Retu 0 if successful ad othewise etu:
Desciptio: | Sed commad to the mailbox cliet fo QSPI ope ad QSPI chip select. Povides exclusive access to the quad SPI iteface. Detemies the QSPI flash size. |
Pototype: | mailbox_cliet_flash_close(itel_mailbox_cliet* fd) | |
Iclude: | Fo
<altea_s10_mailbox_cliet_flash.h> |
Fo Agilex™ 5 devices | <itel_mailbox_cliet_flash.h> | |
Paamete: |
Retu: | Retu 0 if successful ad othewise etu:
Desciptio: | Sed commad to the mailbox cliet fo QSPI close. Stops the exclusive access to the quad SPI iteface. |
Pototype: | mailbox_cliet_flash_get_ifo(itel_mailbox_cliet* fd, flash_egio** ifo, it* umbe_of_egios) | |
Iclude: | Fo
<altea_s10_mailbox_cliet_flash.h> |
Fo Agilex™ 5 devices | <itel_mailbox_cliet_flash.h> | |
Paamete: |
Retu: | Retu 0 if successful ad othewise etu:
Desciptio: | Povide ifomatio coespodig to CSO[0]. Retus the flash memoy offset, flash memoy size, umbe of flash device, umbe of secto, ad secto size values. |
Pototype: | mailbox_cliet_flash_ead (itel_mailbox_cliet* fd, it offset, void* dest_add, it legth) | |
Iclude: | Fo
<altea_s10_mailbox_cliet_flash.h> |
Fo Agilex™ 5 devices | <itel_mailbox_cliet_flash.h> | |
Paamete: |
Retu: | Retu 0 if successful ad othewise etu:
Desciptio: | Read data fom selected addess specified by the legth i byte size. Legth is a o-zeo value. |
Pototype: | mailbox_cliet_flash_ease_block (itel_mailbox_cliet* fd, it block_offset) | |
Iclude: | Fo
<altea_s10_mailbox_cliet_flash.h> |
Fo Agilex™ 5 devices | <itel_mailbox_cliet_flash.h> | |
Paamete: |
Retu: | Retu 0 if successful ad othewise etu:
Desciptio: | Ease a sigle flash secto. |
Pototype: | mailbox_cliet_flash_wite_block (itel_mailbox_cliet* fd, it block_offset, it data_offset, cost void* data, it legth) | |
Iclude: | Fo
<altea_s10_mailbox_cliet_flash.h> |
Fo Agilex™ 5 devices | <itel_mailbox_cliet_flash.h> | |
Paamete: |
Retu: | Retu 0 if successful ad othewise etu:
Desciptio: | Wite oe block o secto of data ito the flash. The wite data legth caot split betwee adjacet sectos. The fuctio assumes the addess is empty. You must ease it pio its pogammig. |
Pototype: | mailbox_cliet_flash_wite (itel_mailbox_cliet* fd, it offset, cost void* sc_add, it legth) | |
Iclude: | Fo
<altea_s10_mailbox_cliet_flash.h> |
Fo Agilex™ 5 devices | <itel_mailbox_cliet_flash.h> | |
Paamete: |
Retu: |
Retu 0 if successful ad othewise etu:
Desciptio: | Pogam the data ito the flash at the selected addess. Automatically ease the block as eeded befoe pogammig. |
Pototype: | mailbox_cliet_flash_ease_block(itel_mailbox_cliet* fd, it block_offset, it block_size) | |
Iclude: | Fo
<altea_s10_mailbox_cliet_flash.h> |
Fo Agilex™ 5 devices | <itel_mailbox_cliet_flash.h> | |
Paamete: |
Retu: |
Retu 0 fo success ad othewise etu:
Desciptio: | Ease a sigle flash secto depeds o block size give. |
Pototype: | mailbox_cliet_flash_ease(itel_mailbox_cliet* fd, it offset, it legth) | |
Iclude: | Fo
<altea_s10_mailbox_cliet_flash.h> |
Fo Agilex™ 5 devices | <itel_mailbox_cliet_flash.h> | |
Paamete: |
Retu: |
Retu 0 fo success ad othewise etu:
Desciptio: | Ease the flash accodig to the legth give |
17 Pio to Quatus® Pime Po Editio softwae vesio 21.3, the espose buffe legth (esp_buf_le) was declaed as a poite athe tha a itege.
18 Agumet epesets the paametes eeded fo mailbox cliet opeatio, ot icludig iput data.
19 The ecommeded eo code ecovey is the full system ecofiguatio.
21 If the espose buffe legth is isufficiet, the HAL API discads the collected data fom Mailbox Cliet Itel® FPGA IP ad etu ENOBUFS.