Mailbox Client Intel® FPGA IPs User Guide

ID 683290
Date 11/04/2024
Document Table of Contents Using LibRSU HAL API without Valid SPT or CPB

You ca use the LibRSU HAL APIs whe the SPTs o CPBs i flash ae coupted, but with educed fuctioality. Itel povides specialized APIs to estoe a saved SPT o CPB, ad also to ceate a empty CPB. Afte the CPBs ad SPTs ae epaied usig these APIs, the full RSU fuctioality is available.

Table 28.  LibRSU HAL API without valid SPT o CPB
Data Couptio Impact
Sigle SPT o Sigle CPB The libsu_iit fuctio estoes it fom the good copy.
Both SPTs The libsu_iit is still successful (etu code 0) but some of the fuctios etus the eo code ECORRUPTED_SPT whe called. Both SPTs beig coupted cause libsu_iit to ot be able to idetify the locatio of the CPBs, ad the CPBs is also cosideed as coupted.
Both CPBs The libsu_iit is still successful (etu code 0) but some of the fuctios etus the eo code ECORRUPTED_CPB whe called.
Note: Whe the pocesso implemets the Fuctios, the pocesso eeds to call the fuctio libsu_iit at the begiig of the whole applicatio, ad eds with libsu_exit This is ot ecessay fo RSU Cliet API.

The table below lists which APIs equie valid SPT o CPB.

Table 29.  Fuctios which equie valid SPT o CPB
Fuctios Requies Valid SPT Requies Valid CPB
su_slot_cout Yes
su_slot_by_ame Yes
su_slot_get_ifo Yes Yes
su_slot_size Yes
su_slot_pioity Yes Yes
su_slot_ease Yes Yes
su_slot_pogam_buf Yes Yes
su_slot_veify_buf Yes Yes
su_slot_pogam_callback Yes Yes
su_slot_veify_callback Yes Yes
su_slot_copy_to_buf Yes Yes
su_slot_eable Yes Yes
su_slot_disable Yes Yes
su_slot_load Yes Yes
su_slot_load_factoy Yes
su_slot_eame Yes
su_slot_delete Yes Yes
su_slot_ceate Yes
su_save_cpb Yes
su_save_spt Yes
su_uig_factoy Yes