Mailbox Client Intel® FPGA IPs User Guide

ID 683290
Date 11/04/2024
Document Table of Contents

1.6. Commands and Responses

The host cotolle commuicates with the SDM usig commad ad espose packets via the Mailbox Cliet Itel® FPGA IP.

The fist wod of the commad ad espose packets is a heade that povides basic ifomatio about the commad o espose.

Figue 3. Commad ad Respose Heade Fomat
Note: The LENGTH field i the commad heade must match the commad legth of coespodig commad.

The followig table descibes the fields of the heade commad.

Table 12.  Commad ad Respose Heade Desciptio
Heade Bit Desciptio
Reseved [31:28] Reseved.
ID [27:24] The commad ID. The espose heade etus the ID specified i the commad heade. Refe to Opeatio Commads fo commad desciptios.
0 [23] Reseved.
LENGTH [22:12] Numbe of wods of agumets followig the heade. The Mailbox Cliet Itel® FPGA IP espods with a eo if a wog umbe of wods of agumets is eteed fo a give commad.

If thee is a mismatch betwee the commad legth specified i the commad heade ad the umbe of wods set, the Mailbox Cliet Itel® FPGA IP aises bit 3 of the Iteupt Status Registe (COMMAND_INVALID) ad the Mailbox Cliet Itel® FPGA IP must be eset.

Reseved [11] Reseved. Must be set to 0.
Commad Code/Eo Code [10:0] Commad Code specifies the commad. The Eo Code idicates whethe the commad succeeded o failed.

I the commad heade, these bits epeset commad code. I the espose heade, these bits epeset eo code. If the commad succeeds, the Eo Code is 0. If the commad fails, efe to the eo codes defied i the Eo Code Resposes.