Cyclone® 10 GX Core Fabric and General Purpose I/Os Handbook

ID 683775
Date 7/08/2024
Document Table of Contents Status Register

Table 78.  Status Register Bits
Bit Name Reset Value24 Description
0 CRC 1'b0 When set to 1, indicates CRC error during application configuration.
1 nSTATUS 1'b0 When set to 1, indicates that nSTATUS is asserted by an external device due to error.
2 Core_nCONFIG 1'b0 When set to 1, indicates that reconfiguration has been triggered by the logic array of the device.
3 nCONFIG 1'b0 When set to 1, indicates that nCONFIG is asserted.
4 Wd 1'b0 When set to 1, indicates that the user watchdog time-out.
24 After the device exits POR and power-up, the status register content is 5'b00000.