Cyclone® 10 GX Core Fabric and General Purpose I/Os Handbook

ID 683775
Date 7/08/2024
Document Table of Contents Differential I/O Bit Position

Data synchronization is necessary for successful data transmission at high frequencies.
Figure 110. Bit-Order and Word Boundary for One Differential Channel

This figure shows the data bit orientation for a channel operation and is based on the following conditions:

  • The serialization factor is equal to the clock multiplication factor.
  • The phase alignment uses edge alignment.
  • The operation is implemented in hard SERDES.

For other serialization factors, use the Quartus® Prime software tools to find the bit position within the word.

Differential Bit Naming Conventions

Table 61.  Differential Bit NamingThis table lists the conventions for differential bit naming for 18 differential channels. The MSB and LSB positions increase with the number of channels used in a system.
Receiver Channel Data Number Internal 8-Bit Parallel Data
MSB Position LSB Position
1 7 0
2 15 8
3 23 16
4 31 24
5 39 32
6 47 40
7 55 48
8 63 56
9 71 64
10 79 72
11 87 80
12 95 88
13 103 96
14 111 104
15 119 112
16 127 120
17 135 128
18 143 136