Cyclone® 10 GX Core Fabric and General Purpose I/Os Handbook

ID 683775
Date 7/08/2024
Document Table of Contents Programming EPCQ-L Devices

You can program EPCQ-L devices in-system using an Intel FPGA download cable. Alternatively, you can program the EPCQ-L using a microprocessor with the SRunner software driver.

In-system programming (ISP) offers you the option to program the EPCQ-L either using an AS programming interface or a JTAG interface. Using the AS programming interface, the configuration data is programmed into the EPCQ-L by the Quartus® Prime Pro Edition software or any supported third-party software. Using the JTAG interface, an Altera FPGA IP called the SFL IP core must be downloaded into the Cyclone® 10 GX device to form a bridge between the JTAG interface and the EPCQ-L. This allows the EPCQ-L to be programmed directly using the JTAG interface.

Programming EPCQ-L Using the JTAG Interface

To program an EPCQ-L device using the JTAG interface, connect the device as shown in the following figure.

Figure 126. Connection Setup for Programming the EPCQ-L Using the JTAG Interface

Programming EPCQ-L Using the Active Serial Interface

To program an EPCQ-L device using the AS interface, connect the device as shown in the following figure.

Figure 127. Connection Setup for Programming the EPCQ-L Using the AS InterfaceUsing the AS header, the programmer serially transmits the operation commands and configuration bits to the EPCQ-L on DATA0.

When programming the EPCQ-L devices, the download cable disables access to the AS interface by driving the nCE pin high. The nCONFIG line is also pulled low to hold the Cyclone® 10 GX device in the reset stage. After programming completes, the download cable releases nCE and nCONFIG, allowing the pull-down and pull-up resistors to drive the pin to GND and VCCPGM , respectively.

During the EPCQ-L programming using the download cable, DATA0 transfers the programming data, operation command, and address information from the download cable into the EPCQ-L. During the EPCQ-L verification using the download cable, DATA1 transfers the programming data back to the download cable.